
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

sausage mushroom cream pasta without cream

My latest experiment!

A friend taught me this method of cooking cream pasta, just with fresh milk and cheese, instead of using cream. finally had a chance to try it tonight!

fry ingredients with garlic before adding milk  for better taste, esp mushroom

Add cheese only after u off the fire

This method of cooking cream pasta will have equal yummy creamy taste but less rich, 不那么腻。

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Thursday, November 15, 2012


x琬玲最爱看书,特别是这大姐送的会唱歌的书。她从连翻面都不会到现在还会按玩具书上的按钮!I am so proud of you!

PS: 琬玲啊,其实你知道你在读什么吗?

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012


我不喜欢猫,偏偏我家附近有许多猫,是每走几步就有一只那么多!而且我想只有这里的猫会睡在路中央,狂妄得从不避讳路人 。最大原因是因为每天都有人喂它们。



还是错?喂饱了猫,却没把剩下的猫食清理干净,倒是便宜了老鼠们!猫捉老鼠我以为是天经地义的事(难道Tom & Jerry 都是骗人的?),可我们这一带的猫们总是放任老鼠在夜里到处游荡!好几次我都亲眼目睹有两个拳头大的老鼠在我跟前跑过!

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成长 成长

Fat-botak-thin 是琬玲的成长三部曲。仿佛是剃光头的诅咒,剃头后的琬玲是越来越瘦。这是成长的代价,还是我这做妈妈的失职呢?

琬玲的胃口本来就不大好,可是勉强还算少量多餐。吃粥后,她在爷爷奶奶家就几乎不喝奶了。不知道出了什么问题,奶嘴换过了,也试了不同的奶瓶,冷的奶,没结冰过的奶,甚至奶粉也都试过了,可是爷爷奶奶说琬玲现在一天也只喝最多100ml 的奶。。每次晚上回家看到她总是泪眼汪汪,迫不及待扑向我,总是感到又庆幸又心疼。庆幸女儿还是需要我,却又心疼她好像饿了好久似的。怎么会这样呢?



Sleep training

I stumbled upon this article which I feel I must share:

I shouted "yes!" for most on the checklist, especially number 10 "10. I laugh with my baby more when I’ve gotten enough some sleep." " enough some sleep."a lot!

I struggled with training WL to sleep constantly. I had enjoyed some brief success when she's about 3 months old, after 2 weeks of persistent sleep training, establishing sleeping habits while her grandparents were away for holidays. However, as she grew a bit older some habits were "broken" and I start to experience inertia to sleep train her again.

Ok, I need to train her to sleep independently!

Before I start on this difficult task, there are 2 problems I need to ponder on:
1) Should I be the one to do the closing?
Because of my work, I should not be at home most of the time at night before her normal bedtime. I know some of my colleagues don't do the closing so they could go for appt at night, others adjust their work schedule such that they will be at home before bedtime. Right now, I go for night appts occasionally and XL will make WL slp when I am not around. Because it is just occasionally, WL actually still wait for me, even if she fall asleep, she'll wake up when I reach home.

2) Should I still nurse her for her last feed?
One of her strongest sleep association is "nursing". Two problems: 1) I won't know how to make her sleep if she refuse breast, when she's not hungry or when I have low supply. 2) She'd need me to make her sleep. = bad habit? One issue is she don't like bottle. This lead to two issues: 1) I have to continue breastfeeding, 2) I cant replace last feed to formula, many people suggested that this will help her sleep longer at night. Sigh... dunno what to do with this problem.

Probably I need to think of one habit that has nothing to do with me.

Monday, October 29, 2012

it's my birthday soon!

this Sunday is my birthday.
the dilemma came when friends suggest to celebrate birthday for me : should I go out and enjoy myself or choose an activity that wl can be present too.

It is not true that we'll have no life when babies come along. I fully understand that it is always my  choice, it's just a qn of 'what I am prepared to sacrifice'?

I enjoy wl's company and will always miss her whenever she's not with me. however she's just a baby, she can only be active for 3-4hrs before she'll get cranky, she has to eat on time, slp on time and have chance to move ard. Home is the best place if I want wl to be ard. ktv, chill out with friends, shopping, movies at cinema, holidays are usually impossible activities.

fortunately, my in laws are very supportive, and wl is always safe and happy with them. over the yr, I have overcome some of these obstacles with their help:
1) went for midnight movies while wl slp soundly at tampines with her grandparents, 2) went holiday to beach chalet with in laws, enjoyed some 二人世界 when wl played and slp at her grandparents room. 3) had high tea with friends and even had a glass of beer with a friend once!

Now I am going to push further, using my birthday as an excuse, to challenge my limits. I have booked air ticket to Bangkok and will leave my baby for four nights! and I am trying a night to ktv with friends before my birthday. as I declare the plans, I am feeling intense guilt and excitement at the same time.

can I survive?

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Thursday, September 20, 2012

"She look like a boy"

I tot I'd nv hear this again after I put hairclip for her... I was wrong..

the cashier asked, "girl ah? wow if not for the hairclip, i'd thought she's a boy! "

thank u, hairclip.

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Thursday, August 16, 2012


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Friday, August 10, 2012


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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

When to stop?

Now that wl is going 8mths, happy to eat solids, my supply is not abundant, plus I hate pumping, the question come: when do I want to stop breastfeed her?

Breastfeeding is easy. I dun have to worry if wl is eating the correct or enough food. When she wakes up in the middle of night I dun have to boil water, make milk, feed and wash bottle.

I hope to breastfeed her till she's 1 yr old, or at least till she's able to sleep thru the night.

So, its Just a few more months of pumping milk! Jia You!!!

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012



四年一度的Olympic已揭开序幕。我关心的从不是新加坡得了几面奖牌,甚至有谁代表什么我也没关心过 。我注意的是开幕典礼有多精彩,中国怎么一下子可以有那么多金牌,看比赛也只是挑有趣的来看。要支持我国选手从来想都没想过。一直没发现直到听到以上的谈话。

新加坡小,所以人口少,相对的人才也少。依靠外来人才在国际竞争强烈的舞台占一席之地是政府多年的政策。久而久之代表新加坡的运动健儿几乎都是外来人才。最初可以有机会在大比赛的决赛看到新加坡国旗,我是很兴奋的。可是后来这种现象越频繁,不知怎么就是骄傲不起来 。




凡事都是越依赖就越需要:越依靠谎言就越需要撒另个谎来圆谎,越依靠手段取得成功就越需要手段来维持成功。 走捷径而没有培养实力的成功会持久吗?

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Thursday, July 26, 2012




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Monday, July 9, 2012


我今天去剪头发。考试后总想要犒赏自己。所以下班后随便选了一间理发院去理发 。


在吹干头发时,我突然想起ah ma 已经十年没有陪我去剪头发了。小时候都是ah ma 决定我应该剪什么发型,从中学时候开始我想要自己决定要留怎样的发型,甚至有一段时候还是自己剪自己的头发 。匆匆十年过了,现在去剪头发理发师问我要怎么剪,我的答案只是“随便“或“不知道,修短就好“。是因为相信专业还是年纪大了没有了自己的想法?不知道,只是在理发师细心地剪我的头发时,我顺便打了个盹,然后上了一堂怎么吹我的头发的课,付了钱后,带着略修剪过的头发和好了一点的心情离开。

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Friday, June 29, 2012



我很佩服那些无私奉献的妈妈们,她们有源源不绝的爱可以给她们的孩子。她们可以把孩子放在比任何人包括自己,任何事还要重要的位子。我无法做到 。

我无法好好兼顾工作和照顾她。我无法一天工作后一到家就要照料她冲凉睡觉 。心情糟糕的时候,我没有办法真心地开心地唱歌说故事给她听 。我无法在她生病时无微不至地照顾她 。


我只知道,我必须比以前更爱自己,更让自己是个健康开心的人,我才能完完全全给她爱 。

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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

You are what you think

A thought is a powerful thing. Our actions move in the direction of our dominant thought, whether consciously or unconsciously.


也许人脑真的无法处理负面的想法,我们最害怕的事总会成真, 有一天竟然有离开她丈夫的念头!一个负面的念头,在她思维中生根滋长,竟威胁了她一生最想保护的东西!

Be careful of what you think about, because you are what you think.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The rising sun

刚读完一本名为“The Rising Sun" 的书, by Michael Chrichton。

是我喜欢的悬疑侦探小说类型,不同的是增添了如何对付日本人的招数 。在日本公司上班的X买的,他需要了解怎么对付日本人。



日本当时是世界第二大经济强国,几乎要超越美国 。而美国国内似乎也面临着许多问题。似乎和今日中国的崛起有着许多共同点。

美国声称当时的日本不愿开放日本国内市场,让国际交易变得不平等。这类的指控今时今日仍不变,变的是被指控的对象是中国。日本从90年代就一直经济萧条,第二经济强国的地位已早早被中国取代。我曾经在某篇报章报道读到美国总统“呼吁”中国‘behave like a grown up nation' (长大-类似叫中国不要再像个小孩一样,学我美国开放经济让市场成熟自由发展)我当时就说:Maybe US should learn not expect others to sacrifice for them, grow up please! 美国就是喜欢打着“开放市场”的旗号逼着其它国家牺牲自己国家的经济发展,像个任性的孩子因为自己的玩具比其他小朋友的旧了,就吵着要其它小朋友分享玩具,自己却死咬着自己的玩具不放。


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Monday, April 23, 2012

Ham & Mushroom Aglio Olio

My new attempt on Aglio Olio!

I was tasked to cook lunch for Xu Family last Saturday, but it was a lazy Saturday rainy morning, so I wanted to make something easy. Hence, I got all the ingredients at NTUC@ tampines mall after McDonald breakfast.

I simply need to cut the Ham and mushroom into slices and throw all the ingredients together into the pot and fry, no need to de-shell prawns or marinate chicken whatsoever! lunch was prepared in less than half hr. (used honey baked ham and 3-in-1 mushroom pack from NTuC: white & black button and one Portbello)

I added chilli padi this time round. tips for ppl who love spicy food: use small fire to cook, 煸, garlic and chilli padi for some time, before garlic is burnt. your noodles will be more fragrant and spicy. If u can't really take spicy food, remove all seeds wash the chilli thoroughly, add at the end for garnishing only.

To increase the aesthetic look and a bit of 'nutrition', I added wild rocket salad on top of the pasta.

How I make the salad:

A box of wild rocket from NTUC, and japanese sesame salad dressing, sprinkle some parmesan cheese over.

looks yummy right? But sad to say, it doesn't taste as good as it looks. I took a shortcut to cook for everyone at the same time, the noodles became too dry, oil not enough, garlic not enough and the ingredients were not well mixed. :(

It is still wise to cook aglio olio in small portion, maybe for 1 or 2 person if you are an inexperienced cook like myself.

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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Real Yoga

My first purchase on groupon: 6 session of yoga at Real Yoga

Went for my first session yesterday, lesson recommended by dajie: Body Opening!

Had a very bad first impression of Real Yoga. First of all, the consultant I was supposed to meet wasn't around. Then I was just shown to the changing room without much orientation of the whole place. I had to return to the changing room twice, first to put my slippers in the changing room as shoes are not allowed in the studio and there's no place to leave our shoes outside studio  (I don't really like the idea of walking barefooted from the changing room to the studio, not as if they had made effort to keep the floor clean ), second time to put HP in we're not allowed to use hp in studio. shouldn't they let me know during the 'orientation' if they have so many house rules?

I find the place rather small and cramp, it's almost impossible to be able to reach for my things in locker with ppl changing in the area and putting things in their locker etc . And they don't have toilet! To use the toilet( I only found out after the class) we have to walk out of the premise, the shopping centre toilet with only three cubicle.

The yoga mat were placed very neatly and packed in the studio. When I stepped into the studio the first thing I noticed is a stench of smell, maybe from sweat on the mat( probably they were nv cleaned as the mats are always on the floor) or maybe its feet smell plus the poor ventilation of the room... this is something I had never experience in Fitness First or California Fitness...

The only good thing about Real Yoga is probably their lesson/instructor. At least the yoga positions were taught on greater detail so we could do it correctly.

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Saturday, March 24, 2012



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Friday, March 16, 2012




规矩是说什么该做,当然也会包括甚么不该做。可是中国人的习惯总是以“压制”,“限制”,“不可以“ 等负意的词汇管教孩子 。打骂是必须的。



最近读到一篇文章,是说一位美国家长到法国发现法国的家长在用餐时都能悠哉闲哉地和朋友聊天喝酒。小孩都能乖乖在旁自己玩耍吃饭。对他来说,这是很不可思议。他的小孩到餐馆总是把盐啊胡椒粉啊番茄酱啊食物弄得一团糟,还会又哭又闹。所以他向他的法国朋友请教,他们是怎么管教他们的小孩。他的法国朋友一开始听不懂作者的问题,详细的问后他才明白:“啊,你是问我们怎么教育我们的小孩?”(he asked how the French 'discipline' their kids, but they do not 'discipline' their kids, they 'educate' them) 从小,法国人就灌输他们的小孩'patience', 耐性, 以及’delayed gratitude' 延迟的回报 - 类似付出后才会有回报的道理,所以他们不会急功近利,不会只是想着自己要什么,而是在适当的时候做适当的事。父母该有的威严必须有.父母的责任是教导孩子在对的道德,行为等规范里自由发挥。这个想法,我喜欢,也希望我能做到。

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

shit in potty

I know it's a bit disgusting, but I am too proud a parent not to share....

Bought this potty last week at taka baby fair, though it wasnt successful on the first day of trying, fortunately or unfortunately, she shits at least three times a day, so i have many chance to try again. I was successful to collect WL's shit the very next day!

however it didn't turn out to be what I expected. It's more mess and cleaning up. Shitting in diaper is just remove dirty diaper, wipe backside clean, wear new diapers. Shitting in potty means preparing potty.and a basin of warm water  before she wants to shit, shit in potty, clean the bottom in basin of warm water, wipe bottom clean, wear new diapers, clean the basin and potty, PLUS wash clothes, linen, floor or anything else that get soiled in the process.. 

Nevertheless I still must persevere for her good in the future.

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Yummy Aglio Olio "recipe"

Someone requested the recipe of the aglio olio I cooked and last posted.

I am not a great chef, hence I cook with gut feelings. I am sorry that I do not have a recipe... so here is my a rough account of how I prepared the yummy aglio olio:

Chicken wings
 - marinated with dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, sesame oil

 - cooked in pot of water with a dash of salt

Green Vegetables
 - cooked in boiling water, just for a short while so nutrients are not lost

Lots of garlic chopped finely, if u wan it to be even more spicy you could add chilli

1)Boil water
2) warm the Happycall a little, place the chicken wings inside. pour half the sesame & soy sauce used for marination
3) While waiting for the chicken wings to be cooked, cook linguine in boiling water.
4) turn the chicken wings in between to make sure they are not burnt, pour the rest of sesame oil + soy sauce
5) noodles ready by now, pushed the chicken wings to the side of happycall, throw in generous amount of chopped garlic, then the linguine, mixed them well, close the happycall lid.
6) meanwhile, throw in the vegetables with the boiling water that was used to cooked the noodles, for a short while.
7) place the noodles and chicken wing beautifully on a plate
8) then the vegetables.

and tada! enjoy the yummy aglio olio!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

I love good food

I made this aglio olio with happycall, and it taste great!

Been feeling down these few days, as I start to question myself, doubt myself if I am a good mother.

Wl is no longer the little baby who just need to eat and sleep. She needs to be entertained, she needs interaction, she needs simulation, so she could grow intellectually. Therefore I need to sing songs, play games, be very high 'I' and high energy, which I'm afraid I couldn't do it.

Good food makes me happy! And I am happy that I have happycall!

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早上7点起身,pump milk, 梳洗吃早饭, 8点带格格散步,9点帮格格冲凉,10点喂她哄她睡觉,早上还没过,我就已经累得想睡一整天了 。。。

也许要安排很多事才能做更多事吧。有时候就是越闲时间过得越快,人也越没精神 。

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Sunday, February 26, 2012




谢格格赐礼 >。<

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

sisters with babies outing!

The long awaited outing with dajie and BL!

It wasn't a good idea to drive with 2 babies after all. Babies are too unpredictable and hard to understand. However, we still manage to survive and reach home safely. :) *pat on our shoulders

I suggested going to.Yunnan garden restaurant at NTU@ one north to have dim sum for lunch. Quiet, and value for money according to review.

We ordered 2 dim sum set and one E-fu noodles. Yummy! Waitress initially don't let us order the noodle, she suggested porridge instead. But we mothers have good appetite for good food!

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I love afternoon nap!

This is  the best time of the day! when Wl is sleeping, especially after a busy morning.

She looks like an angel. :) love u!

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Monday, February 20, 2012

I am a happier person at home

Feeling happy and stress-free now.

Because I am at home.

Went to temple to let ah ma see Wl, then bake cake with sis n mama, had meals with whole family: simple pleasures yet 幸福快乐。

I love you! My dear family!

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Happy baby!



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Tuesday, February 14, 2012


我不应该打开Facebook 来读的。几乎所有人都在脸书上分享今天收到或送出什么离去,去哪庆祝。



(P.S 附上格格近照,也是我希望她现在是的那个样子)

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Monday, February 13, 2012


从4点就翻来覆去无法入眠 。也许是因为肚子饿,也许是不习惯听到那么多打呼声,也许是这两个星期要和琬玲住在xl父母家有些不习惯。。。





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Thursday, February 2, 2012

D Day

Before I forget most of the details of the delivery:

The bloody show
Went to check the night before as the mucus plug came off when I shower. Had irregular contraction. Did not felt any consistent pain, so went back home. Pain increased and more frequent in the morning so went KKH delivery suite again. By then, I became an "expert" in taking tocograph pictures. Only 1 cm dilated and irregular contraction. So went back home again. Decided to have a good lunch before the real show.

Morning: Irregular contraction
Take a break

We went to Novena square to have breakfast as it was too early for lunch. Had 'Beh Huey Ji" (Butterfly Bun) and Soy Milk, then Gong Cha. Roamed around at Novena Square as most restuarants are not opened, then we finally decide to go have Korean BBQ at East Coast!
Korean BBQ!

My favorite fruit in heart shape!
As I enjoy the bbq, I timed the contraction. It was getting more and more frequent and painful. By the end of lunch it is about once every 5 min. XL suggest walk around East Coast Park after lunch, walking is supposed to help in the delivery. But the regular painful contraction made it difficult for me to walk, so we went home to rest. 

Had a warm shower and checked some email. As this is the first time, I am not sure how painful is the real thing, I convinced XL to go to KKH delivery suite Again to check.
I am admitted
A helpful nurse helped me take this
 Contraction is very regular, but only 1.5cm dilated. I decide to get myself admitted anyway,as I don't want to guess how much more pain I have to bear before the real thing start.

Me enjoying the first meal at KKH. Soup is really quite nice
The real show

Ard 9pm contraction is about once every 2,3 min. When I think back, the pain wasn't actually too painful, it's the fear and uncertainty that escalate the pain. I was pushed to the delivery suite in wheelchair. (3rd time in 24 hours) 3 cm dilated, the real thing finally officially starts.

I asked for epidural immediately, and was administered ard 11pm, then i slept through the night. While sleeping, I exercised what i learnt from the book 'Supernatural Childbirth'. I asked the muscle to work hard to have a smooth and safe delivery. I practised relaxation methods I learnt at prenatal class, visualised baby through the birth canal. Through the night, the midwife, nurse and doctor on duty came in to check on me. They assured me that I have good contractions. "Very beautiful contractions!" they would praise me, although I don't quite understand what they mean by that.

 By about 9am, I am fully dilated. Midwife taught me how to push correctly, I am lucky to be able to feel enough to push (without feeling pain, and no need for forceps etc!) and by that time baby's hair can be seen already. When Dr Tan arrived, I pushed for a few minutes and she is out!
Side effects of epidural I had:
1) Itchiness - throughout whole night
2) Shivering - just before the pushing till about 15-20 min after delivery.

Overall, I think the delivery process is smooth and rather painless, thanks to epidural!

Saturday, January 28, 2012






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Tuesday, January 17, 2012





最近她喝奶的时间越来越久,也越来越频繁。我知道她越大就需要喝越多。我担心会不会有一天会供不应求?有时候我真的想放个假 ,可是她不能不吃啊!我才深深体会到为人父母是终身的职业,没有假期,不能休息。


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Sunday, January 8, 2012




本地报道大部分都说部长减薪,国人至少觉得这改变的大方向是对的,是国人乐见的。套我读到的一份国外报道所说:“it's a democracy victory -the Singapore way"。即使有些部长的年薪是有些新加坡人几辈子也无法存到,部长最低薪资仍然比美国总统多。



普通人的薪水哪会几年就有几千块的加薪啊?所有的部长不当部长真的能在private sector 找到每月几十万的薪金的工作吗?管理小小的新加坡真有比美国复杂吗?这些都是很多人会问的问题。

更何况近日频频发生淹水,交通等问题,不是部长没及时妥当处理, 就是发表一些有欠考虑的话,增加人民的不满。让人怀疑高薪养廉也是不是养了些草包?




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我开始怀念被被单盖着的温暖, 怀念早上去咖啡店吃早餐的热闹,怀念可以到处逛的自在。。。



Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.2

Wednesday, January 4, 2012





Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.2

Tuesday, January 3, 2012




Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.2