
Thursday, November 15, 2012


x琬玲最爱看书,特别是这大姐送的会唱歌的书。她从连翻面都不会到现在还会按玩具书上的按钮!I am so proud of you!

PS: 琬玲啊,其实你知道你在读什么吗?

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012


我不喜欢猫,偏偏我家附近有许多猫,是每走几步就有一只那么多!而且我想只有这里的猫会睡在路中央,狂妄得从不避讳路人 。最大原因是因为每天都有人喂它们。



还是错?喂饱了猫,却没把剩下的猫食清理干净,倒是便宜了老鼠们!猫捉老鼠我以为是天经地义的事(难道Tom & Jerry 都是骗人的?),可我们这一带的猫们总是放任老鼠在夜里到处游荡!好几次我都亲眼目睹有两个拳头大的老鼠在我跟前跑过!

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成长 成长

Fat-botak-thin 是琬玲的成长三部曲。仿佛是剃光头的诅咒,剃头后的琬玲是越来越瘦。这是成长的代价,还是我这做妈妈的失职呢?

琬玲的胃口本来就不大好,可是勉强还算少量多餐。吃粥后,她在爷爷奶奶家就几乎不喝奶了。不知道出了什么问题,奶嘴换过了,也试了不同的奶瓶,冷的奶,没结冰过的奶,甚至奶粉也都试过了,可是爷爷奶奶说琬玲现在一天也只喝最多100ml 的奶。。每次晚上回家看到她总是泪眼汪汪,迫不及待扑向我,总是感到又庆幸又心疼。庆幸女儿还是需要我,却又心疼她好像饿了好久似的。怎么会这样呢?



Sleep training

I stumbled upon this article which I feel I must share:

I shouted "yes!" for most on the checklist, especially number 10 "10. I laugh with my baby more when I’ve gotten enough some sleep." " enough some sleep."a lot!

I struggled with training WL to sleep constantly. I had enjoyed some brief success when she's about 3 months old, after 2 weeks of persistent sleep training, establishing sleeping habits while her grandparents were away for holidays. However, as she grew a bit older some habits were "broken" and I start to experience inertia to sleep train her again.

Ok, I need to train her to sleep independently!

Before I start on this difficult task, there are 2 problems I need to ponder on:
1) Should I be the one to do the closing?
Because of my work, I should not be at home most of the time at night before her normal bedtime. I know some of my colleagues don't do the closing so they could go for appt at night, others adjust their work schedule such that they will be at home before bedtime. Right now, I go for night appts occasionally and XL will make WL slp when I am not around. Because it is just occasionally, WL actually still wait for me, even if she fall asleep, she'll wake up when I reach home.

2) Should I still nurse her for her last feed?
One of her strongest sleep association is "nursing". Two problems: 1) I won't know how to make her sleep if she refuse breast, when she's not hungry or when I have low supply. 2) She'd need me to make her sleep. = bad habit? One issue is she don't like bottle. This lead to two issues: 1) I have to continue breastfeeding, 2) I cant replace last feed to formula, many people suggested that this will help her sleep longer at night. Sigh... dunno what to do with this problem.

Probably I need to think of one habit that has nothing to do with me.