
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

OMG! 2 more months

Just realised that my EDD is about 2 months later!

Yes, I am aware that I am getting bulky, tummy is getting heavy, and I have backache more frequently.... but it's two more months only!

I think I did not bond with baby as much as I wanted. Did not do pre natal yoga like I wanted. Did not prepare her room and stuff as much as I wanted... I thought I still have time.... but there is only 2 more mths only!

I cannot waste time anymore! Things I still need to do:
1) baby's cot! I heard there is one at tampines, but I nv get to see it.... pillow? New one or wl hav to get new ones and pass hers to baby?
2) baby's clothes. I heard its all packed in different sizes in tampines already, but where is it? Is it really packed properly?
3) my bag for hospital stay
4) breast pump ... are they still working well?
5) baby's accessories like mittens, cap, hankies, towels, whr are they? Still got enuf?
6) baby misc stuff like laundry soap, liquid cleanser etc?
Are there anything else I need to prepare???

Friday, October 18, 2013

Blogging with Note 8

Hi everyone! I am trying out blogging with my new Samsung Note 8, first birthday present received this year. Yes! I am turning 30 soon!

Hope s note will make my blog post more fun and interesting,and hope you'II like it!

l went Clarins for facial today! Was busy dealing with morning sickness then wanling going to childcare past few months, so decided to give myself some 'Me' time today. Did skin analysis as usual, was quite upset that Fiona, the consultant, say I should start anti-aging skincare and recommended eye care especially coz the lines ard my eyes can be seen when I smile... But I look radiant after the facial! Happy and satisfied!

Wanling has not settle down in school yet. Still ccrying when I drop her with the teachers. Hope it'll get better next week.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


刚从妈妈在马来西亚的家度过了愉快的周末 。很开心终于有机会又带琬玲过去。其实在那没做什么,只是过着吃了就睡的生活,可是过得特别惬意!特别是不干什么,只是呆呆坐在客厅看英君和琬玲跑来跑去就很开心了。

两个年纪相仿的小孩,依依丫丫的都不会说话。可是你追我打地玩得特投机!大部份时间都是琬玲这个管家婆追着哥哥跑,一下叫哥哥不要爬高爬低,一下要哥哥坐下读书,不然就没事跟着哥哥到处转。两个小朋友玩熟后就开始有争执。一下是琬玲拉英君的衣服要他让位,一下是英君不让琬玲碰他排好的衣架。只看着两个小孩总是这分钟拥抱和好,下分钟又起争执, 我们大人做和事佬忙得不可开交。可是回想起来又好好笑!


Saturday, September 14, 2013



她爱吃菜,尤其豆芽! 给她一块肉,她一定摇头不吃,偏偏指着桌上绿绿的青菜吵着要吃。当然最后有没又咽下是另一回事。






Thursday, August 29, 2013

Pride and Prejudice

First, I would like to apologize for the previous long post. Didn't mean to write so long, just wanna share some random thoughts...

So on a lighter note, I am going to share on Pride and Prejudice, the movie and novel. though the previous post has nothing to do with the movie...

A few years ago, I watched the movie Pride and Prejudice directed by Joe Wright based on the same name novel written by Jane Austen. I love the movie so much that I went on to read the novel.

It is a romantic love story of how two people so suitable for each other overcome their pride and prejudice and finally got together. Of course there's other interesting characters like Elizabeth's sisters, Mr Darcy's friends etc , and insights to that period social class differences  which makes the story not just a love story.

Keira Knightley's performance as Elizabeth was stunningly beautiful, much more outstanding than when she was in Pirates of the Carribean.
Mathew Macfayden is also very charming as the awkwardly proud Mr Darcy.

So if u have time, and have not watch or read Pride and Prejudice, can take some time to go watch / read it!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Pride and Prejudice 傲慢与偏见

前阵子爸爸跟弟弟说了好一段关于“扭曲的思想”。他说人特别是在年轻的时候,总会有许多对于人事物过于执著的己见,往往都会太过认为自己的想法是对的而对产生一些“扭曲”的想法。我归类这种现象为“傲慢与偏见”, “Pride and Prejudice" 。因为自负,执著于己见,即是对事物产生了偏见也没能察觉。




世子花了一整星期的时间,翻遍所有的书后,很自信的回答:“国王若能很好的治理国家,人民就能衣食无忧,安居乐业。相反若国王昏庸无能,人民就会如同活在地狱。所以贤王的统治可以让人瞬间从黑暗看到光明。” 可是老师却说:“这不是我的答案。我的答案是眼皮。关上眼皮世界是黑暗的,可是一张开世界就变光明了。可是,你的答案很好。若王执著于自己的傲慢与偏见,怎么成为贤王让人民过好生活呢?”

这篇文字,我花了很多时间写。因为在写的同时也一直在检视自己,也想着一些朋友的处境。爸爸说宗教让他改变了自己许多“扭曲的想法”, 我想那是一种智慧。可是有时年纪越大越难改变偏见(因为会以为自己经历更多更成熟,而越来越傲慢。)今天XL跟我说他已经无法像以前一样只听朋友吐苦水。他想要给他的朋友意见,想要说他的看法,想要帮他的朋友指出他的缺点希望他会改变。可是他的朋友却觉得他已经那么不好受,为什么他还要一直说他错,不能说点让他好过一点的话。我曾经也有这样的苦恼。明明这种事一再的发生在你身上,一定是你做了些什么让这种事一再在你身上发生,不可能是一直都是别人的错,不可能世上那么多人偏偏你总遇到同中的人对你做同样的事。身边的人都给你类似的劝解,怎么你都听不进去?把你当朋友,希望你更好才跟你说,你却把我当敌人,或对我生气说我不挺你,不了解你。。。一味的阿谀奉承是坏朋友才做的事,我可是你的好朋友耶。。。你有过这样的经历吗?



God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.

Its hard to please everyone

Everyone is talking about the changes that's going to happen after PM Lee's National Day Rally! Went to lunch on Mon at a foodcourt, ppl sitting beside us are all expressing their views about it.. which pri sch can i send my chid to now? PM says HDB is affordable, how come I can't afford one? Govt want to earn more money la! are some of the comments I overheard. Are u happy with the announcements?

Just read a ridiculous article shared by a friend on Facebook, saying PM is stupid and should step down because everything said at the National Day Rally was stupid and did not address Singaporeans' concerns. Duh! What's wrong with these people????

No, I do not think the changes PM announced are perfect solutions to all the problems we are facing. For example, I am now worried that WL may not get into the primary sch we planned to put her in, because the places left for alumni is now greatly reduced. And Medishield Life just means that all shield plan premium will increase again, esp premium increased by a lot recently it's not really a good news to me. But, it's obvious govt is already trying very hard to please everyone.

Let's face it, Singapore is not a social welfare state, our nation is build by hardworking people who wants to improve their lives. We take care of ourselves, and government will provide the structure and system for everyone to have the chance to succeed in their lives. I believe this is the fundamental principle for Singapore to survive. Singapore is a vulnerable country, we only have ourselves to depend on to survive. But is the system fair and transparent? How about those who are not able to be in this system?

It's just like some ppl feel that it's not fair for Financial Advisers to earn commission. They feel that Man are greedy, and ppl will sell base on commission and not for  clients' benefits. But, shouldn't more hardworking and good advisers who did a great plan for their clients be rewarded more? Those who just sell plans for money can't stay long in business. Its either they cant deal with their own conscious, or they can't find anyone  to cheat anymore. Those who stay and earn are usually those with referrals, because their clients like them for what they did, because the advisers really cared for them. Is full commission system fair and can make sure everyone benefits? not really, it's a fact that sometimes some ppl still recommend a plan because of incentives. But it provides a natural selection process for survivals , and in the end those who work hard will be rewarded. Fair enough.


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Hello! my appetite!

It's official that I'm in my 2nd trimester! I still feel nausea all the time, but hey! I can eat a lot now! feeling excited coz I can really go and have some serious nice food! like shabu shabu, or maybe some nice high tea... muahahaha...
I am also trying to eat more homecooked food, let's take a look at some of the food I cook for myself recently:
grilled chicken leg with pasta
closer look of my 蛋包饭
蛋包饭 with hotdog and asparagus
Bulgogi with Kimchi rice

Sunday, August 11, 2013


It's 7am, and I have been awake since 6am. not that bad, sometimes I may even wake up earlier and couldn't go back to slp again. These are the times that I am glad we now co-sleep with wl. I can cuddle her, admire her long lashes and pout lips, feel her soft skin, hold her small hands, listen to her snore with no one interrupting. How can I love someone like this? so unconditionally, so naturally, so overwhelmingly that I sometimes wonder where did all these love come from?

co-sleeping with babies is something that I am against of right from the beginning. quality of slp is definitely compromised with a baby in the middle. not only that u have to be constantly alert not to hurt the baby unknowingly in your slp, u may be constantly hurt by the unknowing baby. I am almost constantly kicked and pushed by wl while she sleeps like a baby.....

but due to the haze, we started to co-sleep out of convenience. and she LOVES to slp with us. one day she was throwing tantrums before her bedtime, I got very angry and warned her if she continues her nonsense she has to slp alone in her room. then miraculously she stopped crying and climbed back up onto the bed and whined while hugging me. shortly after the haze period I got pregnant and was tired and sleepy all the time. had zero energy to train her to slp on her own again.

I know it's not good to continue to co-sleep with her, esp with my tummy getting bigger each day... she might kick my tummy or jump on me anytime... maybe will start to train her next wk, if I have more energy! Second trimester is here!!!! yeah!!! 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

I dont understand my body

I don't seem to understand my body nowadays.

I am now 8weeks pregnant. Dr KT Tan say morning sickness symptoms usually peak during 8-12 wks. Now feeling nausea can mean 101 thing: I could be too hungry, too full, too tired, or maybe it's just because there's an unpleasant sight, smell or maybe it's just that I am going to vomit.

I just spent half hour tossing ard my bed at 5.30am because I can't decide what the churning feeling in my stomach means. am I hungry? or I need to go toilet? or I am tired and should just try to sleep some more? maybe I am thirsty?

Sigh, I am looking forward to the end of the month for a more  normal me.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

BonChon Chicken

you may already know I have a thing for tteokbokki, or Korean Spicy Rice Cake. But this tteokbokki is so yummy that I must recommend!

it's unlike the $3.50 ones from the small store at Dongdaemun Snacks at Bugis junction and some other shopping malls. for a start they cost $15+, if u include all GST and service charge. But it's so nice that I went again after two days... that is also why I have a nice picture of it. As usual I finished the whole plate during the first visit before I remember to take any photo...

There is a crispy fried seaweed thing, I would suggest you to eat it first before it becomes soggy. then the spaghetti like noodles is also very yummy.. it taste like the ones I've tasted in budaechigae at Seoul. most importantly, the red spicy sauce is full of parmesan cheese! typical sinful Korean style that makes me crave for more!

their fried chicken are tasty too, I tried their soy sauce flavor. it's not oily, very crispy and well -marinated. like what they claim, the sauce stick to the chicken but not your fingers.  Will wan to go again to try their spicy flavor fried chicken and pancakes!

去首尔!part one

我们在首尔机场待机回新时, RQ 就已经在计划着几时可以再回来首尔玩。由此可见我们这趟首尔之行有多好玩!


因为飞机延误,抵达首尔时已经是晚上8点多。幸好我们入住的是舒适漂亮的PJ Hotel, 到酒店时我们都好兴奋开心!

我们住在lady's floor!



还有阳台可以看夜景。甚至看得到NanSam  Tower  !






第二天早餐:昨晚在东大门随便买的面包和酒店房间的Nespresso Coffee Machine 煮的咖啡

午餐:Red Sun 的部队汤 !
我期待已久的部队汤,里面有我喜欢的很多东西:hotdog, 拉面,鱼饼,韩国年糕,mozzarella cheese.   那个像意大利面的面也是很好吃!

餐厅在二楼,所以在等汤煮开时可以用眼睛逛街。 :p
午餐太享受了,所以吃得有些久, 约见JungHo 的时间也快到了。我们一吃完就必须赶回酒店,可是在路上也忍不住买了许多东西,零食啊,保养品啊,化妆品啊等等。明洞真的太好逛了!

Part two 会分享多点我们去海边的趣事,敬请期待!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Potato Salad

I was asked to make potato salad for XL's cousin gathering. Somehow, xl like my potato salad a lot. But I have not made the salad for so long that I have forgotten how I made it last time.

So this time I recorded down how I make this potato salad.

Ingredients needed:
Potatoes, I used granola potato this time.
Crab meat
Bacon bits

1) cut the potato into cubes, Peel the skin too
2) Boil the potatoes for about 10-15 min (can check if potato is soft by poking)
3) Boil the crabmeat, the tear into shreds
4) wait for both potatoes and crab meat to cool. I took short cut and used ice
5) mix everything together!
.Ta da  it's done!

Is it nice? well, everyone tell me it's very nice and the whole bowl of salad is gone by the end of the party, so I guess it's not bad.. hee...

Friday, July 5, 2013





Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Threatened miscarriage

I was introduced a new word today: 'Threatened miscarriage '.

It means: good news, your baby is OK. baby's heartbeat is OK, there's no miscarriage. but you have to be careful, because 1 in 5 pregnant mum will lose their baby in early pregnancy.

Had some brown discharge and uncomfortable cramp yesterday, early this morning it became fresh red blood. XL sent me to KK O&G clinic at 5am because I couldn't stop crying. I couldn't put away the bad thoughts: it's all my fault! I have been complaining abt the nausea and everything too much, baby must have thought I don't love her. it must be my fault! I must have carried too heavy bags and walked too much. It must be my  fault, and I am losing this baby.

With a 'threatened miscarriage' information brochure at hand after almost 2hrs at O&G, I just felt tired. I should feel relieved, I heard baby's strong heartbeat, saw the fluttering heart beating strongly. But tiredness overwhelmed me. And doctor's last words abt 1 in 5 will lose their baby didn't really comfort me. OK, I know I shud be positive, my baby needs me and I love my baby. I will try not to be too emo and will take care of myself.

PS. note to baby, it's a pleasure to meet u for the first time today!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

pregnancy diary 2

I will be posting pregnancy diary again! because I am pregnant again!

This news didn't seem to be real to me until recently when I start to experience morning sickness again. I am here writing blog early in the morning because I couldn't slp anymore with a quezy tumbling feeling in my stomach.

We did plan to have our second kid soon, but this time is really a surprise. We did not expect it to happen as during my supposedly fertile period, we were both overseas: I was at Seoul, he at Hanoi. thanks to my irregular period cycle and unpredictable ovulation, we are having our second child now!

It is a mixed feeling now, as I was pregnant before and think I'm more experienced in preparing myself for this pregnancy, but I am not sure if i can cope with WL. Wl just turned 18mth, she seem to understand us sometimes, but it is impossible to make her listen to us all the time. she'll be more sensible in the later part of my pregnancy, I hope. now I only wish she wun ask me to carry her so often.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

to seoul

This heavy rain is a bad omen?
it's hot and dry for the past few days, yet it's raining heavily the morning I have to walk to MRT station with a huge luggage. :(
why did I choose such flight timing that I see my dearest wl for two less days (plus day I return)? It takes lots of courage to go on this trip without my baby, why must the weather make it harder?
To make it worse,  when I grumbled about the weather to my friend the reply I got is: 'Oh. Well. It happens'
Yeah... things do happen, thanks for making it feel worse

Thursday, May 2, 2013


Bought this loud yellow flowery dress online @lilypirates

When the dress arrive, I thought I must be crazy when I ordered this! 

This is what I call 'impulse buying online'. You'll click on something that look really nice, but it's not really what you'll usually wear.

It's spring/summer, so I thought something colorful, flowery and cheerful is cool. but this is somewhat too loud for my personality.. hope I can get used to this look...

Do you like my new look?

Hi all!

My blog has a new look after so many years!

Do you like its new look?

I was inspired by RQ as she recently started her blog Do support her and visit her blog!

How was I inspired by her?

(A bit of background) I told her about my blog when I wanted to post our pictures in the post about our holiday in Taiwan in 2010. Then recently one day, out of the blue she asked me if I'm still writing my blog.. (grumbles: Why am I not surprised that she did not read my blog at all after so long?? So much for being my best friend.... ) Anyways, she told me she's interested to be a blogger, she even researched on how to be a good blogger. And finally after almost a month, her blog is finally up! She told me she spent half a day before her first post is up to set the layout of her blog. Then I realised I did not change my blog's look ever since I started... time for a new look!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The most dreaded place





Sunday, April 28, 2013






Tuesday, March 26, 2013


It's steak again. and yeah!!  it's a success once again!

Key to cook nice medium done steak:

1) meat has to be at room temperature before u cook.

2) different steak has different thickness, cook one side abt 1-2min for normal thickness, check regularly till one side is slightly brown

3) turn over.cook the other side for shorter time abt 1min. check regularly as well

4) turn off the fire and let the meat rest for another min or so.... and ta da... u can enjoy the medium done steak..

I like to eat steak with lots of vegetables below.. healthy and the vegetables can 'absorb' the meat juice...

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Monday, March 25, 2013


( Pictures from







电影的亮点应该是终于签下离婚协议书的品中让薇安听苏芮的" 牵手”这首歌吧。



因為愛情 不會輕易悲傷
因為愛情 簡單的生長

因為愛情 怎麼會有滄桑
因為愛情 在那個地方


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Sleep Training Part 2

This is the second week of her Sleep Training part 2. It officially started after our cruise holiday with Royal Caribbean. She is now going to be 15 months old, eating and enjoying solid food. My supply had dwindle since she turn 1 years old, I have a feeling she still latch on mainly for comfort so I started planning for this sleep train+ weaning off project during new year.

Step 1 To make her drink non-breast milk
She hates bottle. After trying for almost half a year of different brand and size of bottle and teat, we gave up and accepted the fact that she hates bottle. So once she turn 1 years old, we started trying fresh milk in cup with straw. She seems to like it, in some good days she can drink 120ml. However, my mother-in-law who is the main caregiver didn't like the idea that she is drinking cold drinks at such a young age, and blame her frequent running nose to the fresh milk. So we tried to give her formula milk in cup with straw instead. By chance, we manage to find one brand that she like, yeah! Simultaneously, we tried full cream milk in small packet. From all the trial and error, we found out that she likes strawberry milk, don't like chocolate milk. Just before the cruise during the last week of Feb, we have scheduled in 3 drink milk session in a day, either formula or packet full cream milk: breakfast, tea-break and supper. She still don't drink much, her usual intake is one packet of milk a day, that is about 250ml.

Step 2 Night time sleep without latching
After holiday is good time to instil new habits, because we have to re-instil old habits anyway after holidays. I decided to focus on night time sleeping, as I can outsource nap time to my MIL ;p. So for the past 2 weeks, I avoided to be with her during her nap time in the morning and afternoon. The bedtime routine is supper, read a story, change her diapers, off the light, on her bedtime light cum lullaby music, put her in her bed and kiss goodnight. The plan is to not offer until she forget about latching.

Result so far:
First night is terrible, I think she cried hysterically for half hr or so, refused to stay in her bed, she wanted me to carry and bring her to our room to sleep with us (post-holiday syndrome, we sleep together during the cruise holiday). I tried to sing lullaby to her, hug her and comforted her once in a while, tried to stay calm and firm. After a battle of about one and a half hour, she finally fall asleep on my head. I was too tired, so I rested my head on her mattress while sitting beside her bed watching her cry. She crawled to me, hug my head and cried for a while, then out of a sudden she stopped . After remaining still in that uncomfortable position for a minute or so, I carefully moved her hands and body away, she was already soundly asleep.

Subsequent nights got better, there were some nights she missed her afternoon naps, so she was very tired and fell asleep very fast. This weeks' improvement is significant.Once I announce to her that it's sleeping time after reading a story to her, she will climb up to her own bed and wait for me. There is no more crying, maybe a bit of whimper when she can't sleep after a while. She still take about an hour to fall asleep, she still needs me to be beside her before she falls asleep. But I am already happy that she no longer expect to be latched on to sleep, even when she wakes up briefly in the middle of night, she can go back to sleep very soon once she is assured that I am with her. I hope she will be able to make herself fall asleep faster soon.

Step 3 Nap time
Nap time is always a challenge. This will be next week homework and will be updated in Sleep Training part 3. I suppose she is already used to the idea of not latching at all, but I have not thought of a good nap time routine yet. Hmm...

Monday, March 11, 2013

My breastfeeding career is over

看着床头残留的白斑点,我心中有些纠结。My breastfeeding career is over. 我在心中大声的呐喊。那些拖着疲惫不够睡的日子已经过去了,那些忍受疼痛的日子也过去了,可是为什么我会觉得有点不舍呢?

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Thursday, March 7, 2013





Tuesday, February 5, 2013

my koala bear

this is the time I regret latch-on breastfeeding and also feel blissed at the same time . Wl is sleeping on me like a koala bear, clinging on to me and refused to let go..

I might miss these times when she's older... but now, I just want to be able to put her down.

After one hr of battle, I gave in again.
sleep training failed again today. I will try harder next time.

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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Les Miserables

我有个坏习惯;每当我看一部我很喜欢的好片子后,我会IMBD, google, YouTube, Wiki 所有关于那部片子的一切。那天一踏出戏院,我就开始这个坏习惯。可是对于我喜不喜欢Les Mis, 觉不觉得这是一部好看的戏,我没有答案。我只知道那天晚上我花了一整晚看了所有关于这部戏的短片on YouTube, 包括媒体访问演员们,官方的宣传片,幕后花絮,演员的旧作表演,其他曾经演出这音乐剧的演员的表演。我也上网读所有有关这音乐剧,甚至于原著作者,还有the French Revolution 法国革命。我也忍不住逢人必问,“你看这部戏了吗?”“你觉得怎么样?”这部戏好看吗?我喜欢吗?经过那么多天,我的答案是“震撼” 。

我记得戏才刚开始,我就忍不住问何我一起看这部片子的朋友,“他们有必要每句台词都要唱吗?” 朋友回答“这是音乐剧嘛” 可是我不记得看MamaMia 和 Cats 时有这种不舒服的感觉。我觉得应该是这出音乐剧的作曲者是个懒人吧,很多时候每个字的音都是同一个或者都是Do So Do So之类的一直重复着。听一会儿就难免觉得厌烦吧。可是对于不是专业歌手的演员们这也是好事,他们可以专心演,可以唱得像在说话一样。

我没看过这出音乐剧,不知道先看这电影版本是好事还是坏事。毕竟电影着重的是细腻的感情,演员精湛的演技,还有真实感; 而音乐剧是现场氛围,乐队和一群演员的热情堆砌的震撼。电影里大部分的镜头都是close-up演员的表情,close-up 到我都能数演员脸上有几条皱纹,有多少斑点。也许导演知道许多人都是音乐剧版的fans, 以免被时时刻刻拿来做比较,他决定让观众体验剧场无法看到那么清楚的表情。导演也很大胆,细心地现场收音。也就是说演员们都是唱‘现场’的。有好几次歌都不成调,可是感情传达得高潮迭起,丰富感人到让人可以忽视听觉难受这件事。电影也可以到真实的教堂,高山上等取景,随意切换镜头,让故事的真实感和震撼力更完整的呈现在观众眼前。只是群戏少了音乐剧独有的壮观。

其实撇开演员,服装,音乐,一切拼凑这部电影,打动观众的硬件,真正持续震撼我和所有观众的也许是故事本身吧。作者Victor Hugo 不愧是影响许多伟大的作者的‘一代文学家'。也只有像他成长在乱世的人才能写出这样的“悲惨世界”。革命总是振奋人心,爱总是给人希望,人类对于生命总会不断的探索。

“To Love another person is to see the face of God"

只是因为要救姐姐的儿子才偷了一片面包的Jean Vanjean在监狱服刑了19年,即实刑满也被视为‘危险人物’而无法找到能糊口的工作。愤世嫉俗的他因为牧师的宽恕得到了重生的机会,可是最终是为了赎罪而领养Cosette才开始懂得‘爱人’。在他慢慢接近上帝的旅途中,一直追着他的Javert是一个一直秉着‘循规蹈矩’才是上帝承认的正义与真理。不顾法纪的Vanjean在Javert眼里是不能被原谅的,他不留情面,不给机会,认为不对的就是错,错的就不能被原谅。 最后却被Vanjean救了一命,信仰被瓦解,认知的世界也跟着崩溃。其实说到底,故事探讨的是生命。


Friday, January 4, 2013


I have not blogged for so long!

I just want to comment that: Wanling is 1 year old and it's already 2013! Happy new year everyone!