
Sunday, July 14, 2013

I dont understand my body

I don't seem to understand my body nowadays.

I am now 8weeks pregnant. Dr KT Tan say morning sickness symptoms usually peak during 8-12 wks. Now feeling nausea can mean 101 thing: I could be too hungry, too full, too tired, or maybe it's just because there's an unpleasant sight, smell or maybe it's just that I am going to vomit.

I just spent half hour tossing ard my bed at 5.30am because I can't decide what the churning feeling in my stomach means. am I hungry? or I need to go toilet? or I am tired and should just try to sleep some more? maybe I am thirsty?

Sigh, I am looking forward to the end of the month for a more  normal me.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

BonChon Chicken

you may already know I have a thing for tteokbokki, or Korean Spicy Rice Cake. But this tteokbokki is so yummy that I must recommend!

it's unlike the $3.50 ones from the small store at Dongdaemun Snacks at Bugis junction and some other shopping malls. for a start they cost $15+, if u include all GST and service charge. But it's so nice that I went again after two days... that is also why I have a nice picture of it. As usual I finished the whole plate during the first visit before I remember to take any photo...

There is a crispy fried seaweed thing, I would suggest you to eat it first before it becomes soggy. then the spaghetti like noodles is also very yummy.. it taste like the ones I've tasted in budaechigae at Seoul. most importantly, the red spicy sauce is full of parmesan cheese! typical sinful Korean style that makes me crave for more!

their fried chicken are tasty too, I tried their soy sauce flavor. it's not oily, very crispy and well -marinated. like what they claim, the sauce stick to the chicken but not your fingers.  Will wan to go again to try their spicy flavor fried chicken and pancakes!

去首尔!part one

我们在首尔机场待机回新时, RQ 就已经在计划着几时可以再回来首尔玩。由此可见我们这趟首尔之行有多好玩!


因为飞机延误,抵达首尔时已经是晚上8点多。幸好我们入住的是舒适漂亮的PJ Hotel, 到酒店时我们都好兴奋开心!

我们住在lady's floor!



还有阳台可以看夜景。甚至看得到NanSam  Tower  !






第二天早餐:昨晚在东大门随便买的面包和酒店房间的Nespresso Coffee Machine 煮的咖啡

午餐:Red Sun 的部队汤 !
我期待已久的部队汤,里面有我喜欢的很多东西:hotdog, 拉面,鱼饼,韩国年糕,mozzarella cheese.   那个像意大利面的面也是很好吃!

餐厅在二楼,所以在等汤煮开时可以用眼睛逛街。 :p
午餐太享受了,所以吃得有些久, 约见JungHo 的时间也快到了。我们一吃完就必须赶回酒店,可是在路上也忍不住买了许多东西,零食啊,保养品啊,化妆品啊等等。明洞真的太好逛了!

Part two 会分享多点我们去海边的趣事,敬请期待!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Potato Salad

I was asked to make potato salad for XL's cousin gathering. Somehow, xl like my potato salad a lot. But I have not made the salad for so long that I have forgotten how I made it last time.

So this time I recorded down how I make this potato salad.

Ingredients needed:
Potatoes, I used granola potato this time.
Crab meat
Bacon bits

1) cut the potato into cubes, Peel the skin too
2) Boil the potatoes for about 10-15 min (can check if potato is soft by poking)
3) Boil the crabmeat, the tear into shreds
4) wait for both potatoes and crab meat to cool. I took short cut and used ice
5) mix everything together!
.Ta da  it's done!

Is it nice? well, everyone tell me it's very nice and the whole bowl of salad is gone by the end of the party, so I guess it's not bad.. hee...

Friday, July 5, 2013





Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Threatened miscarriage

I was introduced a new word today: 'Threatened miscarriage '.

It means: good news, your baby is OK. baby's heartbeat is OK, there's no miscarriage. but you have to be careful, because 1 in 5 pregnant mum will lose their baby in early pregnancy.

Had some brown discharge and uncomfortable cramp yesterday, early this morning it became fresh red blood. XL sent me to KK O&G clinic at 5am because I couldn't stop crying. I couldn't put away the bad thoughts: it's all my fault! I have been complaining abt the nausea and everything too much, baby must have thought I don't love her. it must be my fault! I must have carried too heavy bags and walked too much. It must be my  fault, and I am losing this baby.

With a 'threatened miscarriage' information brochure at hand after almost 2hrs at O&G, I just felt tired. I should feel relieved, I heard baby's strong heartbeat, saw the fluttering heart beating strongly. But tiredness overwhelmed me. And doctor's last words abt 1 in 5 will lose their baby didn't really comfort me. OK, I know I shud be positive, my baby needs me and I love my baby. I will try not to be too emo and will take care of myself.

PS. note to baby, it's a pleasure to meet u for the first time today!