
Thursday, December 15, 2016

Discipline and parenting

Linus & Lucas came over my house to stayover for 2 nights last week. On monday, when the two girls were in school, I stayed at home to spend time with the boys. By late afternoon, the house is already covered with all sort of toys and books in all corners, despite after them keeping the toys maybe 20 times upon request. Linus came to me, proudly show me a "straw" filled with water and proceed on to spray the water at me. I recognized the "straw" to be a part from the toy stethoscope. I got very angry, and told him very sternly, "Linus, where is the stethoscope? I don't you to dismantle the toys, especially when you dont know how to fix them back!"

Immediately, his face was filled with disappointment, and quickly explain he will fix them back. Seeing his disappointment, I quickly I regretted saying what I said.

Linus is a very creative boy. Earlier in the afternoon, he used the rabbit doll house ladder as train tracks, dismantled the shoes from the octopus toy and played them on the "train tracks" as cars. He played out of the box, and used his imagination to create new toys for play. I, being too used to the "proper" play with wl n yl, instead of acknowledging his creativity, scolded him immediately for spoiling the toys, without acknowledging his creativity. To be honest, I am totally new to this kind of behavior, I really have no idea what is the best way to react. So I am now guilty of not apologizing to him for breaking his heart.

I thought about it for very long. Wanling's school report is just out, and she had very good feedback from teachers that she shows great interest in reading and writing, but is not too good with story telling and creating poems. I just read an article on FB which says obedience kills creativity for kids. I have also seen friends who were too controlled by parents when they were young to be obedient, but grow up to be super rebellious. So where should the balance be? How to raise a child, who knows how to respect others, exercise self control and with good moral values, yet is not rigid, can be creative and have sense of humor?

For now on, I think I have to be mindful about discipline with the kids. I should be not too rigid to ask them to follow rules strictly and acknowledge or encourage any creativity they have. Kids should be allowed to blossom in their own way, within a safe boundary of rules. Does this makes sense?

Back to the story of Linus and stethoscope, he couldn't find the other parts of the stethoscope, so till now, its still not fixed yet. >_< maybe he needs to learn more about responsibility.. Another topic for parenting ??

Friday, December 9, 2016



我星期三开始就肚子不舒服。 开始是又吐又泻,今天已经是第三天,虽然好很多,但还是无法正常进食。一吃东西,肚子就怪怪的。



Friday, November 25, 2016

Hello 3rd trimester

Its officially 3rd trimester !

Hello backache! Hello to waking up in the middle of night!  Hello to tiredness!

According to the ovia app... Yanyan is size of a coconut now!

3 more mths to go! Gotta start prepare baby's stuff... Jia you!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

I love mama a little bit only

*this was a post from sometime ago, but failed to publish for some reason*

One day, when I kissed and hugged yiling, and told her how much I love her, she replied, "I love mama a little bit only."

My heart broke instantly.

She then proudly proclaimed, "I love papa a lot a lot!"

Ok... She is such a daddy girl now. She will ask for papa more often than requesting for my attention. I am glad too, and proud of xl. (heartbroken still)

I have been quite out of action recently.. Like sleeping in instead of sending them to school and falling asleep at 8pm .. So xl has kindly took over the night duties, to play with the girls, get them ready for bed etc..( Thank you xl!) so, the girls are more attached to him now, and their bond is even stronger! Although subconsciously I am blaming myself for being such a lousy mum... But... Yes, this is a gd thing.. And I really appreciate how xl is helping me out!

Ok.. Maybe I am not making much sense... But as much as I am heartbroken that I lost a little bit of love from yl, I still feel super loved with a caring husband who does things for me quietly.

My tummy is exploding!

27 wks now... I think my tummy is exploding! There is 3 more mths to go... But how can my tummy grow even bigger than this???

I am getting tired easily again.. Feeling breathless after walking ... And body ache all over !! Hafta say goodbye to honeymoon 2nd trimester soon!!!


Monday, October 24, 2016

23 weeks update

Its 23 weeks now!

I cant fit into my normal dresses... So I've been on a shopping spree!!!

Think I'm gonna buy more at Taobao, when I overcome the laziness !

Hungry all the time.. Feeling pain everywhere .. Including my hands , joints at thumb... :(

But it's amazing that I feel yanyan move most of the time... Of course I feel paranoid when I dun feel him for a while, maybe he's sleeping or wat... But its assuring that he is always moving, means he is alive and well!

Generally feeling lazy most of the time... But I gotta put in more effort with my work! Things are piling up! Jia you !!!

Monday, August 22, 2016





Thursday, August 18, 2016

Hello 2nd trimester!

It's 2nd trimester already! 

I dun feel like it's 2nd trimester.. coz I am still having the same 1st trimester's nausea, vomiting and am still forever tired!

But hey, the belly is showing so much like it can't wait to tell everyone I'm pregnant! So when should I start to tell everyone leh? Should I already start to inform the clients I'm meeting? Do I even need to tell them? Hmmm...

On a side note, we did the down syndrome test so that we could have a detailed 1st trimester's scan... result turns out to be Yanyan is at high risk to be a down syndrome child, 1:122 chance to be exact. It's actually less than 1% chance. We have decided not to do any further diagnostics test. Most ppl are quite surprised that my reaction to the result is so indifferent. I think the normal reaction would be worried?

I did researched on it, and really think through it for days, it wasn't an impulsive decision.
Initially, I dismissed the result because it is so unreliable. We have friends with a result of 1:2, 1:7 and their child is perfectly normal! To add on to that, when doctor explained the result, she said my blood test result is normal, scan is normal, but the result is high risk. Rididiculous right?

Then doctor further explained the invasive diagnostic tests have risk of miscarriage, 1:300 chance. I have a choice to do a non-invasive blood test, which is 99.9% accurate too, but that is still a screening test, and non-conclusive. So I go back to the fundamental qn, would I keep Yanyan if she is indeed a down syndrome child? I tried so hard to keep her with me, it just doesn't make sense for me to give up on her now!

I asked, why would parents want to terminate the pregnancy if the child is diagnosed with down syndrome , or any chromosome defect problem. The most reasonable reason was that it would be hard on the child, probability of medical conditions like heart condition, hearing , eyesight problems etc would be higher. Probably child has to go through various operation at a tender age. It would be tough on parents, medical fees may be unaffordable, education fees maybe unaffordable, time required to take care of the child would be much much more.

Then I asked, would I kill Yanyan if she wasn't diagnosed with down syndrome, but born with other disabilities or illness that couldn't be diagnosed at fetus stage? I wouldn't. 

Maybe, deep down, it is still an emotional decision. I had lost a baby by nature, it just doesn't make sense to terminate one by choice. Yanyan had survived despite all the scares, she is growing! I will do all I can to make sure she can continue to grow healthily, and Yanyan, she will do her part to grow healthily.

So yanyan, if u read this when u grow up next time, Mama love you for whoever you are and however you grow up to be. Same for all my girls, wl & yl!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Emo pregnancy

I cried for the first time after sending xl off at airport. He will be away for 2 weeks for work. It was a last min arrangement, and I felt weak, so I cried.

He had been extra nice to me since the start of this pregnancy, and took care of me in any possible way.. He made sure I take my supplements and hormone pill everyday and night, made sure I wasnt hungry or too tired.. Tried to encourage me to exercise and stay fit, eat healthy and drink water.. Now, I am not sure if I can survive well without him..

Or maybe I am just emo with all the pregnancy hormones....

Monday, August 8, 2016




你不像姐姐,从小没那么常被抓去quiet corner,有的话待的时间也不长。你很快知道对错,也很会察言观色。骂你不能在墙壁上画画,你很快认错,事后也很快可以说出只能在纸上画画。



你不执着。你从不执着于无关紧要的事。可是,对于你要的东西,你势在必得。这算好胜吗?也许你不觉得你错,是姐姐抢你要的东西。于是你骄傲地坚持你没有错。这份坚持,若用在对的事上,会让你成功。就像五月天的歌,倔强: “最美的愿望 一定最疯狂 我就是我自己的神 在我活的地方
我和我最后的倔强 握紧双手绝对不放
下一站是不是天堂 就算失望不能绝望”

可是倔强会对你有好处是用在对的地方:“对 爱我的人别紧张 我的固执很善良 我的手越肮脏 眼神越是发光”


Tuesday, July 26, 2016


前几天的spotting 和肚子莫名其妙地痛痛的,让我寝食难安。


Wednesday, July 20, 2016


3.52am, 我醒来了,做了恶梦。

Monday, July 18, 2016

I love mama a little bit only

One day, when I kissed and hugged yiling, and told her how much I love her, she replied, "I love mama a little bit only."

My heart broke instantly.

She then proudly proclaimed, "I love papa a lot a lot!"

Ok... She is such a daddy girl now. She will ask for papa more often than requesting for my attention. I am glad too, and proud of xl. (heartbroken still)

I have been quite out of action recently.. Like sleeping in instead of sending them to school and falling asleep at 8pm .. So xl has kindly took over the night duties, to play with the girls, get them ready for bed etc..( Thank you xl!) so, the girls are more attached to him now, and their bond is even stronger! Although subconsciously I am blaming myself for being such a lousy mum... But... Yes, this is a gd thing.. And I really appreciate how xl is helping me out!

Ok.. Maybe I am not making much sense... But as much as I am heartbroken that I lost a little bit of love from yl, I still feel super loved with a caring husband who does things for me quietly.

Monday, July 4, 2016


人家说,babies that comes after a miscarriage are rainbow baby, 我却希望她可以如晏,一扫阴霾,天清无云,让人心旷神怡。晏也有安然,安宁的意思。我此时也很需要颗平静的心,放平常心。



Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Bye bye, my appetite

I can't finish a plate of mee siam today ...

Hello pregnancy, bye bye appetite!

Its good thing right? I can lose some weight....

Monday, June 27, 2016


I found out I am pregnant (AGAIN) about 2 weeks ago. Xl asked me at the hospital when we were there for the first doctor's visit, why I have not blog abt this pregnancy yet. My ans was, "i am speechless".

For the past 1wks+ after the test kit showed two lines, my feelings were extremely mixed. I was totally confused.. In disbelief...scared...and having some kind of surreal feeling... Is the bb growing well? Does bb has heartbeat?.. I even have thoughts like this pregnancy might be etopic, since I have so many different kinds of miscarriage already , etopic shud be the next...

Xl reassured me, there is no point worrying abt the 'what ifs', we lived 30odd years and still have the probability to die anytime too.. So its the same for this tiny blinking white light that is now in me. He has this weird interpretation of optimism... But it did console me a little..maybe coz it sounds logical??

To report, we saw bb heartbeat for the first time today.. And I felt like crying when i know that bb HAS heartbeat! *imagine all the emotions like in Inside Out hugging each other for a small celebration and small fireworks all over*

I am glad Dr Tan wants to see me 2wks later. 2 wks shall pass soon so I will not need to wait too long to know if baby still has heartbeat ...

Thursday, April 28, 2016


好像生活已经回归平静,一张医院账单,一件在衣柜底新买的孕妇裙,一个路上看到的baby, 一首歌,眼眶里的眼泪就骗不了自己。

Monday, March 21, 2016



在我动手术拿掉小斗斗那天,刚好有个朋友告诉我她刚拔掉智齿,有5天的MC. 我还没来得及从手术室的惊悚恢复,就发现我的手术,在医学上其实和拔掉智齿差不多。也是把身体的一部份“没用的,给麻烦的”取走,也是差不多一个礼拜的mc, 也是手术后医生会给止痛药。也是开始会流些血, 会感到痛。也许拔智齿更惨些,有可能还会脸部肿, 明显地看出“你病了”。拔智齿也还有一点比我的手术好,至少手术后你还能看到你不要的智齿,决定要不要留着它。我的小斗斗,也许已经被当成垃圾不知到被处理到哪里去了,我一眼也没看到他。



Tuesday, March 15, 2016





Thursday, February 18, 2016




