I am reading the above-mentioned book recently. will be posting my thoughts here - to maximize the benefit of reading a book is to share!
Paradigm: Paradigm is like a lens we choose to look through to see the world. Shifting of paradigm will change perspective.
I thought hard about it. It was mentioned in the book, we can't solve problem at the level we created them. To change, I must be able to see from a different perspective or to grow to a new level. So I thought hard, what perspective have I been using all these while to look at my world? What different perspectiive can I have to see myself?
During one of the meetings, a trainer once shared: it took years for British to accept that selling is not a bad word. In our society, "selling" sometimes may be associated to something bad too, it is easy to refer peoplt to buy, but it is difficult to refer people to sell.
But when we are still a baby, we are natural sellers. We cry to get the things we want, and we won't give up till we get the things we want. This is the most natural form of selling: "influencing others to make an action". Why when we are grown up, we'd feel awkward to sell? We would feel guilty to sell an idea to others, it is inconsiderate to put our thoughts on others. We would feel embarrassed to ask for a favor, it is selfish to ask someone else to do things for us. But to limit our natural potential, is it worth it?
So I've decided to be a good sales person! In order to realise my dream, I have to be good at selling! I have to influence people around me to achieve their dreams, be it retire young, to provide good life for their families, or to lead the life they want... There is nothing wrong to make this world a better place, isn't it?
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