
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Being 2nd

It's 3 more weeks to baby's EDD!

My Mother-in-law announced that they are going holiday with their friends first week of April.

Ok... baby will be only 1 month plus old by then.... My first reaction is to turn to XL, and ask him 'You will be in Singapore right?'

I am not fully confident with taking care of 2 kids at the same time in the first place, let alone without any help.... ok... l think I am freaking out.... l imagined the worst scenario of 2 kids crying non-stop throughout the night and pooping at the same time.... How can I survive this for a week alone?

This is the kind of things that will happen to the second child. If you are the first child, everyone in the family will treat you like king/queen in the family. No one will go holiday when you have only just arrived. You will be the priority.  Everyone will want to carry you, shower gifts and love to you all the time.

I am guilty sometimes of neglecting the second one myself. At first, I thought I should not neglect WL because she is just in front of me. The baby inside me can wait, When she is out I will give her all my love. But this is already unfair. WL had all my attention ever since I knew her existence.

I do believe love is infinite. I will not love WL less because I have a second child. I won't love My second child less because she is second. But time is limited, there is only 24 hrs a day. How to distribute time and attention equally such that neither will feel neglected is a challenge.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

It's 43 days

My level of panic rise to a new level when I installed a new pregnancy app on my hp, which Countdown days to my EDD. The countdown says: "43 Days to go now"


I still don't see the baby cot in the baby room, and baby's cupboard is still rather empty...
My hospital bag is not packed, and I have not dig out my breastpump and all the bottles and sterilizers etc....
I forgot everything about breathing exercise to relax during contractions...

I am totally not ready!!!

I think I got a bit stressed and even experienced 'night sweats' in a cold rainy night and wake up at 3am almost every night....

This is bad... I should do some yoga ....