
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Went to watch movie yesterday. Wanted to watch Avatar, but no more tics so watched 十月围城 instead. And coincidentally, I happen to watch a segment on food shortage ard the world on TV mobile today.




Saturday, December 19, 2009

19 Dec 2009

Woo Hoo! I have passed both modules!

Glad that everything turn out well!

I went to a wedding dinner yesterday at St Regis, 3rd wedding dinner I attended this month. I start to understand why some people dread going to wedding dinner.

I used to feel excited going to wedding dinner. I cried at alomost every wedding dinner I attended in the past: when my friends march in with the beautiful gown, when they show the montage of how they finally got together, when they gave their speech and thank their parents...

Yesterday's wedding was very impressive: Dinner was served individuall in delicate portions, The couple hand-made sweets as their wedding favors, they printed high-class magazine for all their guest with their wedding photos, the groom played the grand piano and sang to the bride, there are live jazz band, the ball room has high ceiling and the decoration is grand yet romantic, almost everything a dream wedding should have... a very memorable one indeed...

Yet I don't feel touched, like what I used to feel.

The effect of attending too many wedding dinner. :(

Saturday, November 28, 2009

before exam

I am going to an exam now...
Using my sub-conscious mind power to think I will pass. I hav visualized the letter to inform me that I've passed both papers. I hav visualized that I know how to answer all questions later.
This is a must. Because I only started studying 2 days ago..

I will do well later.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

my nightmare

I had a nightmare last night.
I dreamt abt work....

Sometimes I am too obsessed by what I want to do about my work.... But I am a procrastinator. Sometimes I am not too serious with what I have to do, sometimes I just want to play. But I no longer young and inexperience, so I shud not just think of play all the time.

I shud start think of way to to work more efficiently, so I wun hav nightmare at night.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


XL: Very pretty.

瑞士传说是个“First Class Country" 巴士,火车都超准时的。因为瑞士时钟可是世界闻名的哦!传说中瑞士是个超美的国家。它有诗情画意的风景,它有很美的天气。 传说中的瑞士很干净。传说中的瑞士巧克力,芝士很好吃。




在瑞士我也尝到了Cheese Fondue. 也没什么让人垂涎三尺的,只是芝士+面包。只觉得好贵哦!其实在瑞士什么都是贵的啦。。。 很开心的是在瑞士总共吃了三餐的饭,米做的饭哦!在连日都吃面包后,能吃到饭是多么幸福的!而且我们是随随便便买的,都好好吃!>.<


总的来说, 瑞士给我的感觉是“心旷神怡”。


Paris is: Eiffel Tower

Paris is: sandwich/hotdog/any kind of bread = baguette

Paris is: taking Metro with station's name we can't pronounce

Paris is: Walking from one end of a place of interest to the other end, feels like walking across a town.

The grandeur of Louvre, Chateau Versailles, Notre Dame reflects the greatness of the then French Empire. Paris used to be a dream for many. Artists flock to Paris to paint and sculpt for the Royals and for the Chapels. Paris used to be the centre of the great, wealthy, and powerful. Paris now, from what I feel and see, is a city flooded by Tourist who wished to have a taste of the luxury of what Paris used to be.

XL: Very expensive. Ladies at paris don't like to cover themselves.
JM: ????
接下来我会登一些几个月前些的游记。 :)



XL: Dear dear 很听话,很乖!
JM: 没有了?

XL: nothing that i like particularly....except buildings like Big Ben etc.

JM: It's nice to see 帅哥all ard.. haha! >.< 很爱伦敦古老和摩登的建筑物融为一体的感觉。谁说旧的东西一定要被淘汰?在伦敦,多少人每天都在有几百年历史的建筑物里工作!超酷的!


我们还看了一出 话剧!随便选的,竟然剧本出色,制作专业。 音乐+动画+道具+布景样样都配合得天衣无缝。剧本及轻松有趣又能发人深省。最让人吃惊的事,虽然是周日的下午,剧场竟是座无虚席!(我们去的可是国家剧院哦!)可见新加坡与伦敦之间的文化悬殊。新加坡没人看话剧吧?我们只支持歌舞剧,而且要是Broadway的,不然就是明星演出的。


20 oct 2009





Wednesday, October 14, 2009

14th Oct 2009

It's been ages since I last post on blog. Have a sudden urge to write something here today, but I forgot my other blog login so started this one.. hee

I was walking on street today and a student couple eating ice-cream walked past me. "How good it is to be students" I thought to myself. 年轻,无忧无虑的。

Then i started to reflect, "have i lived my life till the fullest?" "我有没做什么让我今天会遗憾的吗?” “没有吧..."

how about the me now? Am I doin my best I can?


My First posting here!!!


This is my first posting here. ;)

link to my previous blog: