
Saturday, March 24, 2012



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Friday, March 16, 2012




规矩是说什么该做,当然也会包括甚么不该做。可是中国人的习惯总是以“压制”,“限制”,“不可以“ 等负意的词汇管教孩子 。打骂是必须的。



最近读到一篇文章,是说一位美国家长到法国发现法国的家长在用餐时都能悠哉闲哉地和朋友聊天喝酒。小孩都能乖乖在旁自己玩耍吃饭。对他来说,这是很不可思议。他的小孩到餐馆总是把盐啊胡椒粉啊番茄酱啊食物弄得一团糟,还会又哭又闹。所以他向他的法国朋友请教,他们是怎么管教他们的小孩。他的法国朋友一开始听不懂作者的问题,详细的问后他才明白:“啊,你是问我们怎么教育我们的小孩?”(he asked how the French 'discipline' their kids, but they do not 'discipline' their kids, they 'educate' them) 从小,法国人就灌输他们的小孩'patience', 耐性, 以及’delayed gratitude' 延迟的回报 - 类似付出后才会有回报的道理,所以他们不会急功近利,不会只是想着自己要什么,而是在适当的时候做适当的事。父母该有的威严必须有.父母的责任是教导孩子在对的道德,行为等规范里自由发挥。这个想法,我喜欢,也希望我能做到。

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

shit in potty

I know it's a bit disgusting, but I am too proud a parent not to share....

Bought this potty last week at taka baby fair, though it wasnt successful on the first day of trying, fortunately or unfortunately, she shits at least three times a day, so i have many chance to try again. I was successful to collect WL's shit the very next day!

however it didn't turn out to be what I expected. It's more mess and cleaning up. Shitting in diaper is just remove dirty diaper, wipe backside clean, wear new diapers. Shitting in potty means preparing potty.and a basin of warm water  before she wants to shit, shit in potty, clean the bottom in basin of warm water, wipe bottom clean, wear new diapers, clean the basin and potty, PLUS wash clothes, linen, floor or anything else that get soiled in the process.. 

Nevertheless I still must persevere for her good in the future.

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Yummy Aglio Olio "recipe"

Someone requested the recipe of the aglio olio I cooked and last posted.

I am not a great chef, hence I cook with gut feelings. I am sorry that I do not have a recipe... so here is my a rough account of how I prepared the yummy aglio olio:

Chicken wings
 - marinated with dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, sesame oil

 - cooked in pot of water with a dash of salt

Green Vegetables
 - cooked in boiling water, just for a short while so nutrients are not lost

Lots of garlic chopped finely, if u wan it to be even more spicy you could add chilli

1)Boil water
2) warm the Happycall a little, place the chicken wings inside. pour half the sesame & soy sauce used for marination
3) While waiting for the chicken wings to be cooked, cook linguine in boiling water.
4) turn the chicken wings in between to make sure they are not burnt, pour the rest of sesame oil + soy sauce
5) noodles ready by now, pushed the chicken wings to the side of happycall, throw in generous amount of chopped garlic, then the linguine, mixed them well, close the happycall lid.
6) meanwhile, throw in the vegetables with the boiling water that was used to cooked the noodles, for a short while.
7) place the noodles and chicken wing beautifully on a plate
8) then the vegetables.

and tada! enjoy the yummy aglio olio!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

I love good food

I made this aglio olio with happycall, and it taste great!

Been feeling down these few days, as I start to question myself, doubt myself if I am a good mother.

Wl is no longer the little baby who just need to eat and sleep. She needs to be entertained, she needs interaction, she needs simulation, so she could grow intellectually. Therefore I need to sing songs, play games, be very high 'I' and high energy, which I'm afraid I couldn't do it.

Good food makes me happy! And I am happy that I have happycall!

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早上7点起身,pump milk, 梳洗吃早饭, 8点带格格散步,9点帮格格冲凉,10点喂她哄她睡觉,早上还没过,我就已经累得想睡一整天了 。。。

也许要安排很多事才能做更多事吧。有时候就是越闲时间过得越快,人也越没精神 。

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