
Thursday, November 30, 2017

Update: i went to Sydney alone!

I left baby at home, again.

First, i left him at home and went for a girlfriend trip to Seoul when he's 3mth old. Now i left him at home and go for a "solo" trip to Sydney, when he's 9mth old.

I struggled a lot to decide if i shud bring him along for this trip, because i missed him so miserably during the last trip to Seoul. But the thought to cope alone for an 8 hr flight is so daunting. And to be alone with him ALL the time... i nv considered myself a gd full time mum... i kinda need ALOT of "me time". 😐

As the trip drew closer, our whole family fell sick.. esp the baby.. i had to take care of him whole night, as he could not sleep well with fever coming back and forth and could not breathe well with stuffy nose.. his sisters fell sick one after another too.. i really felt i need a break! A break from all the mummy duties.. so i decided, i am to go alone, alone to drink and eat and do all the things i could do without kids!

So here is some of the things i did/eat/drink:

Yummilicious burger with beer at a bar

Beer again at Bondi Beach

Sight seeing at the harbour

Brunch with Australian coffee

Seafood at Fish Market

Some really good quality Australian steak

A lot of shopping! Who knows Sydney is such a gd place to shop!?

And of course, some quality time( finally) with the mister 

Did i regret going without baby this time?... erm.. not really.. haha.. although i still missed the little ones dearly, and being alone is lonely and boring sometimes.. blocked ducts from not being able to pump as frequent as i should be is also quite painful too.. but i really did enjoy shopping with just a purse, the freedom to roam around with no weights is really liberating! And also to be able to in places i could not have went if i had a baby in tow.. the long walks, the bars and steakhouse..

Friday, November 24, 2017

Hong Kong 2017 with family

We just came back from Hong Kong. It's the first time 5 of us (first time flying for baby yan) plus my in laws.

On hindsight, i think we must be mad to bring the kids to hong kong for a week! Really, we should just stick to 3 days and disneyland only. The delicious hong kong food has no appeal to them at all, and we have to really go through A LOT to bring them to these places to have the "good food"
 So, in conclusion, travelling with kids is absolutely different when travelling alone.
Travelling with kids shoud really be go to a point ( exciting enough for them), play and play, then go home. Food is not important, play is more important to them, walking and waiting is a chore.

But of course, i have no regrets. We already expect a tiring trip, but the bonding time we had together, and the memories we have shared are worth the trouble!
At our "holiday house" at hong kong.

And we went to the highly anticipated disneyland too. Lucky kids all of you, get to experience the disney magic at such a young age! 

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Effective communication

I am very into a china show call super nanny recently. I shared the clip to xl and told him the things i am learning from the show. But he didnt bother to watch it at all.

After watching a few episodes of the show, i realised no matter what problem the parents were facing with their kids, the conclusion of the problem is always it's the parents fault. It's a great revelation for me. I face problems with my kids too. And i am always searching the way or method i can do to correct them. But more often than not, our kid's behavior is the result of our own actions. So if we don't change first, no matter what method we use, will not work.

For example, wanling often has emotion meltdowns. Her main means of communication is to cry. We have tried all ways to make her understand crying is not correct. But it doesnt work. Even if she after calming down, and admit that crying is wrong, next time when she faces a rejection from us, or
 doesnt get what she wants, she will still cry.

There are many similar cases in the show, of kids crying and shouting and throwing tantrums. Most of the time, it is because the child do not know any other means to express themselves. They do not know because they were not taught how to communicate effectively. Ànd most of the time, the parents do not know how to communicate effectively too, includes setting bad examples to the child when they communicate to other members of the family  ( like their own parents or their spouse  or even to the child). I reflected, i think it is true for my own case. I couldnt identify my own emotions most of the time too, and when i am overwhelmed with negativè emotions i also dont know how to handle the negative emotions i am feeling. And when it happens to wanling, of course i am unable to teach her effectively how to handle her own emotions. So i tried to handle her. I demanded her to be quiet, to listen to my instructions. But, a child is a seperate individual with her own feelings and thoughts. It is unreasonable to expect our child to behave ecactly the way we want her to behave, as if she is a robot we programmed.

So i tried to implement the changes in myself and the way i communicate with her, and also with xl. However, like just now, xl do not agree with some of the things i did. And we had an argument. I tried to talk to him calmly and explain properly my rationale and logic. But he is inclined to end the conversation to agree to disagree. He said, he will say sorry because i always force him to agree with what i think or do, and he only say sorry because he dun wan me to be angry, but sometimes things is not always right and wrong. While i do agree that not all things has a clear right and wrong, because things may be different from different perspective. But when we are talking about discipline, it should be a clear line of right and wrong isn't it? If there is "in different scenario sometimes some behavior is acceptable but in some scenario the same behavior is not acceptable",  how will a child know what she did is right or wrong? And everytime when xl disagree with me, he will always bring out his fav pet line to agree to disagree.

I am always left speechless and with no closure after we have to agree to disagree. I am reflecting now. Am i unreasonable that i always force people to agree with me? Or i am only trying to seek an answer but he refuse to face the conflict? He says he understand where i am coming from, but he cannot agree. Is this even possible? Does it even make sense that everytime we are in a disagreement, it is always that nobody is wrong, it is just different perspective? Or he is never wrong. I am always forcing him to agree with me just because i will be angry if he disagree with me?

Even today, i already talked and explain to him in a calm way, slow and soft voice. He still gave me the same conclusion. He would like to end of the conversation to agree to disagree. Why? Why is it so hard for him to agree with me? Is it really me? Is it true that i have to force him to agree with me and cannot see from his point of view? I really dont think so! If he had brought up a valid point i would agree with him. If i did something wrong i do say sorry to him before too! But when it comes to some things that i feel is logical and correct, but is different from what he feel, he will want to agree to disagree. When we disagree, i am always the person who is 无理取闹.  Sometimes somethings really do have an absolute right or wrong isnt it? Or at least we can agree to see from same perspective next time when same things were to happen again? i am really feeling helpless, frustrated and confused.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


我有个很要好的朋友。我们一起度过最青春的大学生活, 一起哭过,笑过,一起疯狂过。认识她已经20年。她陪我走过人生中最重要的日子。是我愿意为她赴汤蹈火的朋友。可如今,我已是三个孩子的妈, 她仍是花样年华自由的单身靓女。




Saturday, September 30, 2017

To bring or not to bring

I have bought the air tickets to sydney. To join XL work trip in sydney. The qn is, whether i should bring Yankai along? I have bought his tickets too, but its super discounted tic, so its sort of alright if we change our mind and dun bring him in the end?

As mentioned, he is a really loud and demanding baby... although most of the time he is ok... but when he is angry, he'd be really angry, like a baby spitting fire (like the baby in The Incredibles). He screams loud and is inconsolable.

Its already daunting to bring a baby overseas alone. I mean, its a 7-8 hours flight, how do i go to toilet on board? How to make him sleep in the tiny space, on my lap for 8hrs? How to carry the luggage with the baby on tow? How to eat my meals on board with him? Will i be able to "enjoy" the holiday with him around? On top of that, there is a high risk of him screaming on top of his lungs 50,000ft above the ground with hundreds of ppl trying to slp staring at me.

Ok, if i really dun bring him... i will have to pump? There is already not enough ftozen stash for him. So start formula will be inevitable. How shud i bring back the milk?

Haiz... there is equal pros and cons on both side and i really cant decide.

The case against breastfeeding

Wrote a super long post last night on fb...  was probably too tired and not thinking straight.. but here it is:

While reading through this long article late at night, baby cried. His daddy, just beside him, merely made a few "shh shh shh" sound, while his eyes and hands glued to his handphone playing his mobile game. I jumped out of the couch across the room to my baby (note my), feeling anger boiling inside me as i get on to my mummy duties.

Yes, i feel trapped, like how the article describes, i feel i am chained to the pump and imprisoned by the feeding schedule. And its true that exclusively breastfeeding makes me angry lots of time. (Esp when like what had just happened 😒)

Thats the main reason why i say, i feel like quitting everyday. xl say, i do have a choice. But i am still hanging on to "breastfeed as long as i can", and i dont really know why.

Maybe its the bonding with baby while feeding? Maybe I'm addicted to the skin to skin closeness, and his baby smell as we cuddle... they say, treasure it when we can, coz when kids grow up they will not want to be close to us anymore...

Maybe its the soliditary me time i am privileged to have when i breastfeed, latch or pump alike. Its really nice to be able to escape into my room, to pump or to feed, when the girls are fighting or throwing tantrum outside. Its also really nice to take a break in between work to pump, and play my mobile games or watch some show, some things i couldnt really do at any other time.

Maybe its the convenience to be able to latch anywhere.. ya, contradicting i know. Its freedom to go anywhere i want with baby, but trapped with him as well.

Maybe i am really brainwashed by all the "research" and "parental advice", that "breast is best". Although i really take it easy this time round.. i have already 看开 after my 2nd, i am mentally prepared to give formula if need to.. but ego will always be stroked if i am able to proudly declare "ya, my baby is exclusively breastfed" 😏

So, ya... here i am, like most female, who always contradict themselves, i hate to breastfeed but I'm gonna do it as long as i can..

Years later, when Facebook reminds me of this ridiculously long post i made at 1am... i may be laughing at myself..silly me, why i didnt sleep when i am already so sleep deprived.


Sunday, September 10, 2017

How is life with three kids?

最怕有人突然问我,"How's life with three kids?".

我该怎么回答? 掩藏所有的痛苦,挤出一个微笑,配上我疲惫的脸,勉强说出:"ok 啊, 一切都好啊。"毕竟问的人未必对宝宝晚上起来几次,两位姐姐一天吵架几次有兴趣。可是黑到差不多遮住半边脸的黑眼圈和撑不起的眼皮会让这答案显得太不真诚。所以大多时候我都会淡定的说"ok lo,这样咯。要不你也生三个试试看?"






徐晏楷,如果以后你看到为你写的这一篇, 来抱一抱妈妈吧。妈妈每天都被你的哭笑弄得心化了又凝结,折磨得快长茧了,变得哭笑不得了。

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Who's behind the door? (Of the toilet)

I think its undeniable that toilet is the favourite hideout spot for mums? I mean even xl likes to hide in the toilet. Moana's "How far i can go"  is the kids fav song now. After being brainwashed by their new fav song, these lyrics "came" to me one day.  So for mums out there who also hide in the toilet like me:

Monday, June 12, 2017

Identity crisis

I "fled" to seoul just before Yankai turns 3 month old. I felt so ashamed that I didn't dare to post any photos on social media. I didn't enjoy myself entirely when I was there too. I regreted this decision the moment I booked the tickets.

I mean.. I had great food, had nice company, did some stuff that I didn't do before in seoul when I was there a few years back... i like went to the jjimjibang.. and tried to have fun...but I felt like an empty shell all the time when I was there. I missed my baby terribly, I had to pump milk which I can't bring home for him... this is a trip I wanted to go since last yr, but it just didn't turn out to be how I wished it to be.

I wanted to changed my profile picture one morning after feeding Yankai, as my instagram profile is still using a photo of me 10 years ago during our honeymoon trip. It's time to change, I thought. But as I scrolled through the photos I have in my hp, I couldn't find one I thought can represent me.

Am I this person who is baby wearing everywhere? Always wearing nursing accessible clothes, and with unkempt hair?

Or i am this girl who goes shopping and travelling (and leave her kids at home, #mumguilt)

Or am I just mum to these children?

Or this person with make up and only appear on social media platform?

Or am I this person who struggles to go to work in between feeding and pump schedule, and at the same time tries to look decent and professional?

Ok.. is this the mid life crisis everyone is talking about? Or just identity crisis??

Thursday, March 9, 2017





从早上开始,他几乎一直在喝奶。喝到最后,向岭都懒得记录,也不知道怎么记录。He is just constantly at my breast. 到中午,向岭忍无可忍,说服我让护士喂他formula。他说supplement 吧,那baby不会有jaundice, 你也可以休息一下。其实我很爽快地就答应了。毕竟现在的我不像以前对喂人奶那么执着了。休息很重要。休息是为了走更长远的路。

午休了一下 ,一直喂奶的噩梦又继续。一直到晚上,精疲力尽的我们又让护士喂这个吃不饱一直哭闹的生命。然后 三个小时后的凌晨噩梦又继续。向岭已经睡得不省人事时,我还在竭尽所能尝试满足这个小生命。也许我老了,意志力薄弱了。我竟第一次想放弃喂人奶这件事。曾经的我那么坚强,即使只有几滴奶也没想放弃。如今才第二天,我竟然已经要放弃!?

第三天已经开始涨奶,block ducks, nipple sore, 所有喂人奶会有的痛和苦都开始让人濒临崩溃。把晏晏又送去nursery 让护士喂他的午休时,我在梦里踌躇着该不该放弃时,kkh 的lactation consultant 来了。她鼓励了我,也指导了我可能犯的错,我又开始有了信心。

午休后又开始奋斗。可是噩梦仍继续!直到出院前,LC一边指导一边喂后,晏晏竟然奇迹般地安静睡着!这样子的好景,一直持续到我们出院回家后的整个下午!我以为真的是我方法错误,只要一直好好做,噩梦就不会再发生了。可是我错了。回家的第一晚噩梦又开始了。还好有做月嫂的帮忙,还有朋友介绍post-natal massage 的神奇 breast massage。我靠ebm熬过无数个cluster feeding 。两个星期下来,噩梦不再那么恐怖。只是常常晚上睡觉时仍是梦着在喂奶这件事。常常午夜梦回,我也不清楚我是在做梦,还是在尝试喂饱那小生命。

以为晏晏这个小生命就只能折磨人到这个程度吗?那你就小看他的能耐了。第三星期,他生病了。感冒吧。喂也喂不好,睡也睡不好。一到晚上,他就不知原因的大哭。是我的奶不够吗?是flow太快还是太慢吗?一大堆self-doubt 折磨着我。他常常喝喝几下就睡着,睡着后还不到一小时半小时就哭。我最常听到的话是做月嫂抱着他过来跟我说 “我看他是吃不饱”。就这样,我又有放弃的念头。是不是该干脆exclusive pump算了?有可能可以像其他妈妈pump一次的份可以喂两餐?这样我就能休息个4,6个小时?


Monday, March 6, 2017

D day for yanyan!

Oh! I must quickly write down what happened. If not xl will argue with me again over what happened with his poor memory !

On Wed 15 Feb, went in to kkh after Mcdonald breakfast. Things happened pretty much like What happened with Yiling. I was 3cm dilated already, Dr KT Tan without hesitation , broke the waterbag, and medicine was put in drip to induce. Then we waited for epidural.

The anesthetist seems to be in a bad mood... Her hp keep ring when she tried to "find the space".. Of course she couldn't ! Then she blamed it on my position ... After poking for very long, she finally did it and left unapologeticly... I was just glad it's over and prayed that she really did a gd job and the epidural will work fine despite her unprofessionalism....

Everything proceeds super slowly after this... After 3hrs at abt 11am I was still 4-5cm dilated only..  But my legs were already numb, something that I didn't feel the last two times. Yanyan really dun wan to come out , we joked. The contraction was not as regular as wanling's one.. Then dajie came to visit during her lunch break. At this point I started to feel the contractions, again didn't feel this the last two times too! Just when the epidural finished, I suddenly is fully dilated ! It was a whirlwind after. I was asked to push a few times to practice, then Dr Tan was called. While waiting , the nurse "noted" baby heart decelerated. And asked me to start pushing b4 dr Tan came. Luckily , Dr Tan and her team came in shortly and took over quickly.  Maybe I was too kanchiong, I pushed wrongly a few times and got scolded by Dr Tan. When I was abt to get the hang of it, Dr Tan "noted" that umblical cord is ard baby's neck. I was told to push slowly . "huh, I dunno how to push, still must control and push slowly??" I thought to myself , and tried to control my push as much as I can. Then yanyan was born. The midwife carried the boy and shoved his penis right in front of me and asked , "boy right?" :-/

As I am recalling what happened, my heart is filled with gratitude . Despite the hiccups not only during delivery, but during
the whole pregnancy, he is with me in my arms now.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

False alarm

Quite embarassing to have false alarm with third child right?

Was at the triage observation room at KKH delivery suite yesterday. All the nurse starts the q&a with, "First child?" Only FTM (first time mum will come in with just "on & off contractions" ba? To justify, I felt really uncomfortable with giddiness and nausea too... >·<

XL say I was too fixated with the idea of delivering yesterday, so my body was all messed up with the different signals, but the fact is baby and my body is not ready yet. Once I decided to let go of the idea to deliver yeaterday, there's no more uncomfortable contractions and giddiness, just tired from the whole day of waiting for something to happen.
Yesterday's CTG 

Ok, today is another new day. Its my regular appt with Dr KT Tan. She will probably check my dilation again and will have to do CTG again ... Gd luck to me .. And wish to see you soon, yanyan!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017



我第一次看王菲演唱会是2004年6月。年代之久远,我是靠google和推算才“记起”日期的。那时还是个学生。用我internship赚来的几个钱,又威胁又哄的让向岭也陪我去支持我的偶像。(因为实在没有其他人愿意陪我做如此疯狂的事)那时选了相对便宜的座位,想着以后真正工作赚钱了再买好点的座位。哪里知道一晃就12年, 第一次看王菲演唱会,竟变成最后一次!



经历漫长的等待,演唱会开始了。果不其然,王菲失以水准的演唱揭开序幕。有经验的我和向岭安慰第一次听王菲现场唱的姐姐和姐夫,“是这样的,唱几首后她就会warm up 了”。哪知半场下来她还是走音走调,越到后面越唱得力不从心。有时以为“王菲”“回来了”,可是几句后又是“惨不忍睹”的。只能一直感叹,王菲老了,王菲吸太多烟把嗓子弄坏了。只是纳闷,她自己本人不知道吗?为什么还要开演唱会呢?是她只想着赚钱吗?还是她自负自满,从来都只是随便唱唱?


小时候喜欢的男生和很多人一样对我喜欢王菲相当鄙视。记得他说过类似“王菲就知道咿呀呀地”。可是几年前我们几个朋友聚会时被我强迫听王菲的专辑, 他说“不知道王菲唱过那么摇滚的歌”。我答说:“是啊!她就是那么走在时代的尖端。当每个人只唱抒情的芭蜡歌曲,王菲已经在唱10多年后才流行的摇滚。”

如今,她也是“走在时代的尖端”:史无前例地只开一场演唱会,票价卖得超级贵,却又免费网上直播,让成千上万的人免费听她的演唱会。这矛盾的行销也是她一贯的风格: “想迎合市场口味,又要做自己喜欢做的”。王菲没有变,她还是她,还是那么独树一格,那么高高在上却又随性平凡地做她自己。只可惜,她已经不会唱歌。