
Saturday, November 29, 2014

Attachment Parenting

I didn't read up about "Attachment Parenting" until it was mentioned in "2 broke girls" a super entertaining US sitcom about 2 broke girls. I mean, I heard about "Attachment Parenting", but didn't bother to find out what it is about. There are so many Parenting method, and all so confusing, and many times contradicting to each other... so i go by the natural method call :"instinct". (ok, i did try sleep training before, it was a disaster. so yeah, nv believe any parenting advice online... But since even "2 broke girls" talk about "attachment parenting", it must be something right? so i googled.

What I have gathered is that it is a method of parenting, by creating bond with kids, by breastfeeding, baby wearing, being sensitive to their cries and needs. This bond with kids will make them feel secure and grow up to be more confident and "better". This is contrast with the traditional method of instilling fear, so they will listen and follow what the parents say.

As a mother of two, all I can say is no two child is the same, so no method of upbringing will be suitable for all. But as the Chinese sayings goes, 物极必反, meaning if things are done to extreme there will definitely be a bad outcome. Yes, I agree we should establish bond with kids, and make sure all basic needs are addressed. Yes, I also agree that we should not always just follow what the kids want, we must establish in the relationship that we, the parent, is the boss. I believe happy parents makes happy children. So, our needs should be addressed first, before we addressed theirs. (u know, just like in emergency on plane, we should put on our mask first then put on for our children).

Before reading up, I always thought that attachment parenting is kids being so attached to parent so they will listen to you. haha... this is what happen to WL... she is very attached to me... it is very easy to discipline her. because she almost everytime needs my approval and attention. When I look angry, she will immediately stop what she is doing and almost nv do it again. (eg, like touching the remote control etc). When it is something more serious, and she became too emotional, I will put her in naughty corner, and ignore her. She wants my attention, so she will stop her crying and attempt to listen to me, so she will get her hugs... But for yl, I dunno, she doesnt seem as attached to me, maybe I did not spend as much time with her. She doesn;t really care if I am angry. I warned her about touching the remote controls and opening drawers, she will look at me and smile back and continue whatever she is doing.... >.<  Kid who is attached, do the right thing to seek approval. Kid not attached, do the wrong thing to seek attention.

Is it different personality, or is it really the bond between the two girls are different? I am not too sure... but definitely, it is much easier to have kids attached to you, so it is easier to discipline, easier to soothe them and comfort them when they are not feeling good or cranky. But, it is exhausting to be constantly wanted.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Food Journey in Hong Kong 2014. 吃在香港


DAY 1 (rather night 1)
1)港澳义顺牛奶公司 (铜锣湾)



2)Liberty Private Works (Central)
这是间超难的餐厅。所以在去香港的3个礼拜前,我就在网上订了位。那时星期六和日都没位了,所以只能订订周五。虽然有点赶,但没办法(我是大约旁晚6点到酒店)。这餐厅,不只难订,也很贵。It's fixed menu, and is at least HKD900/pax.


Day 2
1) 陆羽茶室 (Central)


2)兰芳园 (Central)

吃完点心,走路到SOHO mid-level escalator 逛。顺便在路上打包兰芳园的丝袜奶茶和泰昌饼家的蛋挞。虽然我还是喜欢新加坡的teh,但兰芳园的丝袜奶茶不太甜,滑滑的很顺口,和甜甜热热的泰昌饼家的蛋挞堪称绝配!

4)Jenny Bakery (上环)
其实奶茶和蛋挞是准备去Jenny Bakery排队时享用的,可是向岭说要从中环走路到jenny bakery上环的店,路途太远,还没到就已经喝完吃完了。还好我去的时候没太多人不用排队。
Addictive butter cookies.

5)再兴烧腊饭店 (湾仔)

烧腊是另一个到香港必吃的。因为答应朋友去湾仔那买玩具(湾仔玩具街-太原街=小孩的天堂),所以买完曲奇(cookies), 就到湾仔去,恰巧午餐时间到,我翻翻我的“功课”,选了再兴。因为在玩具街严重超支,到再兴时已没剩多少盘缠,省着点了一盘三宝饭一盘烧鸭饭。超好吃!饭也特别香。正吃得很开心时,和我们并桌的一对父女点了乳猪饭,烧肉饭,看得我们直流口水。。。

所以。。。我回新之前的早上,我又回到了再兴吃乳猪饭。卡擦卡擦 。。。

6)咖里鱼蛋 (铜锣湾)

7)爱文生 (深水埔)愛文生?tc=Sr1
根据网上推荐,爱文生是少有仍有足够"锅气", 随便点都好吃的大排档。

To be continued.....

New office

We finally moved out of Shaw Towers!
If Lena didn't mention today, I would not have realised we were in Shaw Tower for 5 years!
When we just moved to Shaw, I was quite disgusted by that old building; dirty toilets, cranky old lifts, and distance from the mrt station. I secretly prayed that we will move back to Parkview Sq or anywhere more decent soon then. However, as days (or years) past, 'planning with a view' sinked in, and I got used to the convenience (and inconveniences) in that old building. Now that we are at Chinatown point, a relatively newly-refurbished building,  I am sort of disoriented.
It is definitely a much better office location compared to Shaw Tower, mrt exit is just at the building (no more stuck in the rain and cannot go office), there are so many amenities ard, supermarket, shopping options, cheap and good food, But, the problem is there are too many choices; at least 3 routes to go office from home, billions of food choice within sheltered walking distance. Is this like a first world problem or I am old, hence cant adapt to changes?
on a side note, I think I really old liao la... because of the new office layout, I Suddenly realised I am surrounded by ppl I dunno. I know our team expanded over the years, but I have only been hanging out with the same group of ppl over the years. I din bother to know most of the new colleagues. u know, ppl come and go , it is just so tiring to keep building new relationship and to realise the person disappear suddenly.
So well, I still kinda like the new office.... I guess...