
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Everybody else is doing it, but why can't I do it differently?

Today WL is 1 week old. With dajie's survival tip (not to buy formula in the first place ), I have managed to breastfeed her exclusively.( Except for that few times when she was  under photo -therapy.)

However, she still got jaundice and my mil will visit us everyday and repeat the story of giving her supplement. Yes, I do know that almost everyone do supplement, but doesn't mean that I have to.

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

First Christmas with baby at hospital

I am now lying on the hospital bed, waiting for the feeding time. Baby had high jaundice level and is not allowed to go home. Spending Christmas in hospital is not something i have expected, especially this is the 1St Christmas with baby. Last night we countdown while feeding baby at the breastfeeding room. Luckily baby got hungry in the day and feeding time changed such that the precious half hr we can visit baby to feed her coincide with the 'countdown. we had a cosy time singing our favorites Christmas songs to her while encouraging her to stay awake to drink more milk. Xl say he saw the change in me. He say I am extremely patient with baby and can do anything for her. I was surprise myself too, how I survived a day alone with her on the second day at hospital plus coping with the visitors, and how I cried uncontrollably when I saw the goggles mark on her face the first time I feed her after she was taken away for her photo-therapy. Honestly I am still not used to the idea that I am already a mother. I guess it is instinct that made me do all I did last few days. Sometimes when friends and family commented baby is very cute, I wonder why I do not felt the same way. I am just focused on fulfilling her needs, instead of her looks. the feeling I have for her is so different from the love I have for anyone. It's so natural, attached and unique, like she is a part of me yet a separate individual. I wonder if I am going to be a good mother, and will she grow up to be a fine lady and have a good life? This seems to be a long journey, I pray that everything will be fine and we can go home today.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

38 weeks

It's officially 38 weeks!

I am now on my way to the regular gynae visit.

"Why are you still here at office?"
"Are you excited?"

These are the two most common questions I have to answer these few days.

I am not in labor, I have to walk around more often than just resting at home, I have work to do, it is safer to be in office with people around than to be at home alone, Office is nearer to KK than bedok... are all the answers I have for the 1st question. The truth is, i really don't know what else i can do, should do besides go office and finish my paperwork...

I am ok, in fact feeling much better this week, a bit in holiday mood. I feel more energetic, although still feel tired at the end of the day. i feel more calm and relaxed than excited. sometimes i may feel scared, worried about the delivery pain, and wonder if i can cope well after baby is born. but these feelings usually come and go, most of the time, I'd just feel normal. I will try to mentally prepare myself for the delivery, try to read more about taking care of babies when I have nothing else to do. I have even better appetite now, and i am indulging myself with all the nice food I like.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Every child is a gift

I just met a distant relative and had a small chat with her. She proudly showed me her autistic younger son's "kindergarten" graduation day photos. Her face beamed with joy while describing how his son got lost into his own world while performing halfway. She is just like any other mother with 'normal' child, proud of her own son. That's why I decided to write something about this...

Recently, a friend did the test for down syndrome for her babies, result wasn't too favourable. She decided not to do any further tests to confirm the result. She felt that all kids are God's gift, whether they are normal or not, she will keep her children. I was impressed by her courage and determination when she told me her decision, at the same time I wonder if she really understood the real implication of raising kids with down syndrome. Anyway, the test is usually not accurate so I thought it's more important to give her support as a friend, than to scare or upset her with these...

I have a brother who is different, and a mum who specialise in treating children with special needs. Seeing so many kids who are different from 'normal', I grow up believing if we knew these children will face with so many challenges in life, and not only their parents but also their whole family have to go through so much difficult times, if we can predict disabilities, maybe it is a better idea not to bring these children to this world to suffer.

However, to certain extent, what my friend said is true too; every child is a miracle, a god's gift. It is cruel to end a little life before it begins. Probably, it is not up to us to decide what kind of life the child deserve, or we deserve. Even though my heart will still twinge whenever my brother share with me his difficulties, but I am always proud of him, love him and glad that I have him as my brother.

But the question is, I am already not sure if I can cope with bringing up a normal kid. like handle the crying and  feeding etc, if my baby needs special attention and care, do I really have the courage, the patience and love to go through the special journey with her?

Thursday, November 17, 2011

It's going to be the end of 2nd week...



Friday, November 4, 2011


在我28岁的第一个早上,我5点多就醒来了。这也许是27和28最大的不同吧。 我希望bb可以成为像周慧敏一样优雅又漂亮的女生 希望爸爸妈妈,公公婆婆都能健康长寿 希望向岭能够多运动,早睡早起 其实没有什么比快乐更重要的,希望所有朋友都会快乐幸福!

Friday, October 28, 2011

My secret plan

tmr is XL's bday. i am trying to secretly plan some surprises.

I had given him his present many weeks ago before our trip to Thailand, a nike bag.
We had cut his bday cake with his family last sat.
The known plan is to have lunch tog near his office tmr, to use his voucher at a restuarant.
All the above are boring and uneventful celebration which are totally unacceptable.

My actual plan:

1) to buy a Koi bubble tea for him before the boring lunch date. He had never tried Koi before!
2) lunch to utilise vouchers...
3) Make Sukiyaki for dinner!

Then again, after looking at my written plan, it seems boring too... eat n eat n eat.... haiz.. maybe i should think of something interesting to do.....

NOTE: This was written last mth but I forgot to publish it.. :p


I have been lazy with my blog recently... Many things, yet not much had happened..

1) I have a nephew! cried while I brush my teeth after I read the msg from dajie that Baby L came to this world. After almost 2 days of waiting in hospital, he is finally here in this world! It felt like miracle..

2) I am now in the final trimester. It felt strange to see my fingers and feet got swollen, and tummy getting bigger and bigger everyday. I think I will miss baby not being inside me. She seems to be a part of me already. Yet, I still cant get used to the discomfort, and pain I am going through everyday...

3) seeing dajie in her confinement, I tried very hard to mentally prepare myself for it too. I cant imagine myself tolerating not washing hair for days, not able to blow fan, and most importantly taking care of a small baby...

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Japan trip part 3 - Fukushima

Ok, this section is on our trip to Iizakao Onsen in Fukushima. Our favorite part of our Japan trip. We took a local train to the onsen, then we were welcome by the tranquility at the riverside. Xl was fascinated by the ducks in the river, as it reminds him of his fav song "寒鸭戏水”。
The local train

And here, we fulfilled our dream to be in the traditional Japanese Onsen Inn.
Personalised welcome message board at the inn

And traditional Japanese dinner in our tatami room. Just like those in 'Japan Hour'

We found an interesting beer- Sapporo+Royce: Chocolate Beer in the convenience store here. Beer that smells like choc, taste like Sapporo beer
 This is a lovely town. All houses have nicely trimmed garden. The hotspring here is awesome. We had wonderful time enjoying the scenery, all the yummy traditional meals.I hope it is still around now...

Japan Trip Part 2 - Hokkaido

Hokkaido. Yes, I know it's kind of overdue.. But here it is:


 登别温泉。地狱谷。very "touristy" place, but pictures look great! nice weather. pretty scenery. famous hotspring. (Pls see part 1 for more details)

The city.
Roads are covered by ice, not snow.(I think coz more ppl walked on the road, so snow become ice). taller buildings spotted. shopping centre, etc

We had lots of good food at Sapporo:
Hairy Crab!

Rutsutsu Ski Resort:
This is where we had our first Ski experience。
Ski slope at night
Ski Slope in the morning

We made a day trip to Otaru, a food paradise!
Nice weather again, by the canal at Otaru
Wanted to try Uni-don, but we couldn't read the Japanese Menu, so we ordered Roe-don by mistake
还有很多小吃!This is a huge 'tako' ball with lots of ingredient, cheese, bacons, sweet corns etc
Another day trip to Shiroi Chocolate Factory

We had a nice walk to the factory and fun time at the factory. Oh.. I missed the biscuits and chocolates!

How can we miss sashimi in Hakodate? Ah...sashimi....
Chinese waitress told us this is Hakodate's signature: Sotong Sashimi! The correct way to eat this is to eat with ginger, instead of wasabi. yummy yummy!
And we had ice-cream too! It was on sale that day, half price, I guess no one is as crazy like us to eat ice-cream in this cold winter night. 
We visited the market just beside our hotel early in the morning!
Hakodate is a port, one of the first cities in Japan to be influenced by westerners. We visited the churches, interesting architecture even though they are built hundreds years ago.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Stay positive

Was told I hav low lying placenta now during the recent scan.

I have been telling myself it'll be ok, I shud not be too paranoid. Most of the time it will move up to the correct position. Probably human mind really cannot process negation, this creepy thought of 'what if' lingers.. From now on, I will just think positive.

Everything will be fine.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I am 6mth pregnant!

已经6个月了! 有时候我会看着镜子里的我,怀疑我是不是只是胖了。已经6个月了,怀孕这事还是有些不真实。不知道是不是我天生反应慢,所以才会这样?可是最近肚子里总是时不时有生命跳动的迹象,一直提醒着我:“我身体里正孕育着一个生命,一个神奇宝贵的生命“。 我做好准备了吗? 我能胜任当一个好妈妈吗? 有了小孩的生活会像他们说的一样那么辛苦吗?我会后悔吗? 现在我只能步步为营,希望接下来的3个月一切都顺利,我的咳嗽会快点好。

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Who will you vote for?

It's the President Election in a few days time. Who will you vote for?

Someone told me he'll just void his vote as he sees no meaning in this election. He asked, "If I vote for one of them, so? What can he do? Why should I vote for any of them?" President to him, is only someone who will show face at some charity show, or wave at crowd during National Day Parade. After so many years of not needing to vote for our President, maybe its time to think, why do we need a President?

Do we just need someone who looks wise (old), respectable, reputable to represent Singapore when needed? (It'll be easier to choose,we can vote based on looks like vote for Mr Singapore) I think if we really need a figure head, he should be able to complement the government and bring some value to Singaporeans. We do not need a puppet. Maybe someone to uphold the humanity part that is often neglected in the economic-driven policies? Someone who really care, and loved and respected by Singaporeans? Someone with no hidden agenda? Of course not someone who will cause political unrest. We do not want a head of State to incite a riot or worst internal war to bring down the economy. It's good to have someone, but do we really need one?

Before a meaningful conclusion can be drawn, we have to vote in 3 days time! So, who should I vote for?




Tuesday, August 23, 2011







Wednesday, July 13, 2011

i thought it is supoosed to be better?

It is 16 wks. i am supposed to feel better.

Why is it that i feel worse instead?

i am vomitting more, feeling more nausea and feeling more lethargic...

is there something wrong with me?

or it is 期望越大,失望越大?

Maybe baby is upset that daddy is not ard with us?

i am seeing doc tmr, maybe i shud ask her...

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


胡志明市是个到处都听到"叭叭叭"车笛声的地方。 胡志明市是个过马路需要胆识与自信的地方。 胡志明市是个摩托车比车多,德士比私家车多的地方。 胡志明市是个有高楼大厦,名牌商店,修路却是用锄头和手的地方。胡志明市是个说下雨就下雨,多雨的地方。胡志明市是我和baby第一次一起出国的地方。


这里的德士司机,驾车手不离喇叭。每隔几秒就必须按喇叭。有可能是提醒前面的车绿灯了,有可能是警告前面的摩托车" 我在你后面哦",有可能是提醒前面的车驾快一点。xl说这里的司机很没耐性,我觉得这只是他们的一种“礼貌”的沟通方式。毕竟他们开车的态度是relax的,不急躁,不骂人,后面的车叭他们,他们夜还是默默地,无动于衷地开着他们的车。





这是我离开展览馆的感想。看了很多好莱坞拍的战争片。有几个在战场上的兵士是自愿杀敌的?彬彬有礼的日本人,也会在WWII用极残忍的手段对付阻挡他们的人,犯下极为可耻的罪。在Hiroshima对下原子弹的军人,知道他丢下的武器不止杀死爆炸后所伤及的无辜老百姓,还会残害他们的子子孙孙吗?离开展览馆之前,我尽量避免注视到在一旁,一群因为Orange bomb而变得畸形的人,在贩卖他们制作的商品。

在胡志明市最开心的就是吃了。奇怪的是这里看到最多的竟然是日本餐厅。我很乖地遵从长辈的话,不吃路边摊,只在干净的餐馆用餐。所以除了连锁店卖的‘pho’之外,吃到的越南菜,只是在酒店附近的一个叫“CO DAO" 的餐厅吃的“hue cuisine"。色香味俱全。食材却简单得不得了。没有山珍海味,主要用腌肉,香料和蔬菜(还有一些虾)。体现了当地(Hue)资源不富裕,却是古时的都城应有的华丽。现在好怀念那些美食啊。。。


2nd wedding anniversary

Yesterday was our 2nd wedding anniversary.

we had leftover dinner for breakfast, had dim sum for lunch, movie in afternoon, and dinner at my parents' house.

nothing special or romantic.

its quite pathetic as this is only the 2nd yr! and neither of us remembers it, let alone look forward to it or plan anything special for that day. ok, we have valid excuse like xl was overseas for work, or i am still getting use to the pregnant symptoms etc. but, still kinda feel disappointed that i still dun hav any present for this special day until now...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

baby 爱吃什么




Wednesday, June 8, 2011











Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Cha Soba

Green Noodles with greens!

Being pregnant and staying at home, means I have to cook some simple meals for myself. Cha Soba with green vegetables is a great choice, as its healthy, very easy to cook and will be ready in minutes. (Oh but wait... its cold... hmmm should be fine right?)

The Black Pictures


This is the first "Black picture" as what RQ and me affectionately calls it. I was alone when the doctor tried means and ways to magnify the small white dot to measure the length. (Coz the scan is done through vaginal as baby was too small, XL was asked to leave the room)
"This white dot is my baby?" is the only thing I could think of, until the doctor showed me 'its' heartbeat. The white dot became a flickering white dot. "My baby is alive!"

One month later, another black picture was taken. (last week) We were both amazed how fast baby has grown, I mean, baby is no longer a white dot! There's head, eyes, little hands, little feet, and it is only 3cm!

XL din noe there is a big screen in front of me, he tried very hard to see from the small screen the doctor is looking at. So he missed the flickering white light which is supposed to be baby's heartbeat. Nevertheless, we left the room feeling excited and looking forward to the next photo-taking session!

Monday, May 16, 2011


我可以不要闻到那么多味道吗? 很多味道其实很难闻。
我还在等待发掘我其他的特异功能。也许我该学会怎么switch off所有痛苦的感觉。。。

(请参考"Vampire diaries" for more information)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011





Wednesday, April 13, 2011




最近在路上很开心地玩 ipad "plants vs zombie",突然有人到我身旁,开始向我传教。我并不是虔诚的信徒,我也不排斥任何宗教。宗教信仰本就是让人有依赖,让人能向上向善的。可是为什么要用威胁的呢?套我们吴前总理的话,只要你的黑胡椒螃蟹好吃,你搬到哪儿都会有人慕名来光顾的。


Thursday, March 17, 2011

New features added!

Hi all!

If you have noticed, there are new features added to my blog!

You can now give a fast response to the blog entry, if you think the entry is funny, interesting or u simply like it.

You can also follow by email now!

Jia Min

Cream Sausage Mushroom Pasta

First try on making my own cream sauce pasta... a bit too creamy.






Japan-Hokkaido trip part 1

Japan - Hokkaido Trip 11-22 Jan 2011

11 Jan 2011
Our First Day in Japan - the land of rising sun

XL's comment of the day: Cold.

I stared at XL's glossy lip while he mutter the word "cold" , I couldn't help but to laugh... He really looked like he had just ate some very oily stuff...

Yup, Tokyo's really cold, especially this morning when we first step out of the hotel. Not as cold as I thought though.. The heat tech wear we bought from Uniqlo is really good! Kept us warm in this cold morning..

We reached Narita in Malaysian Airline yesterday morning. The flight with MAS was surprisingly pleasant, except for the strange Malay music they keep playing during the flight to KL. Reminds me of the Indonesian Spa Music... Nevertheless, the food they serve are quite nice.. I like the supper snack, 2 burgers.. Yummy!

We can't check-in when we reach hotel in the morning, so went for lunch. Lunch is recommended by Bib, Sukiyaki Lunch Buffet for 1260yen. The rice is too nice, we din had much meat.. Wasted.. But still very value for money!

Then we went Uniqlo to buy the heat tec wear n leg warmer. We were skeptical at first coz it's so thin, but since Bib recommended it, we bought one each to try. This morning walk to station proves that it's really works!

Then we proceed to Harajuku for shopping. Harajuku is a bit like Taiwan's 五分铺, more stylish boutiques and not so messy. Cool-looking jackets are easily 1500yen..too bad I dun need any... There are sale everywhere, maybe coz winter ending soon. Felt sad I dun need any winter clothes in Singapore..

We were there mainly for the legendary chicken wing Bib recommend... However, its opened only at 5pm.. So to kill time, we had sushi and walked the street outside the restaurant maybe hundred times... Maybe we had too high expectation of the chicken wings, it's not as legendary as we thought it'd be... But we both like the salt grill Yakitori A LOT. Nice!

12 Jan 2011
Now were are on Shinkansen bullet train Aomori. Bought breakfast from Family Mart while we were on our way to the station. 因为赶时间随便买单饭团,竟然也好好吃!更恐怖的是我们也买了瓶装的温奶茶,竟然在那么冷的天气,一小时后还是温暖的!


13 Jan
XL: 雪中泡澡,爽!

Our first experience of Onsen in Japan! There are indoor and outdoor hotspring. It's really cool to be in hotspring naked while it's snowing heavily.

The dinner though it's the cheaper buffet, is already very exquisite. 奢侈的享受!

We are now on train to Noboribetsu, going to stay in traditional tatami room and Onsen!

The snow-effect:
I slept at about 8pm after dinner yesterday, woke up at 6.30am and still feel sleepy. (set the alarm at 630 so can go Onsen again.. ) 看着白茫茫的雪真的会让人很想睡。天是白的,地是白的,屋檐是白的,树也挂着一粒粒的雪球,加上被风吹乱的雪花;那片风景也许太平静,也许太美,不知不觉就睡意浓。我现在就这样被催眠了。。。

14 Jan 2011
XL's comment of the day: pain pain... :( 第一次在雪中散步,好浪漫哦!

Haiz.... Noboribetsu is quite disappointing in a way... 1st I thought we'd have traditional Japanese dinner, but we end up having buffet dinner.. 像是从天堂掉入人间。也不是不好吃啦。。只是期望越高失望越多吧。。更何况我们是舟车劳顿,经过无数次的火车延误,晚上7点才到的。对,7点已经是很晚了。这里来说,7点已经像是9点。

第二天早上,在所有失望后带着平常心进行我们的第一次雪中探险:地狱谷。天气很好,被硫磺烟包围,风景也蛮漂亮的。 我们最后在火车站附近随便吃的午餐又便宜又好吃。登别也没想像中那么糟嘛。

17Jan 2011
XL: 他人笑我太疯癫,我笑他人看不穿。我们已在北海道待了四天了,还不是还好好活着。哼!



