
Sunday, August 11, 2013


It's 7am, and I have been awake since 6am. not that bad, sometimes I may even wake up earlier and couldn't go back to slp again. These are the times that I am glad we now co-sleep with wl. I can cuddle her, admire her long lashes and pout lips, feel her soft skin, hold her small hands, listen to her snore with no one interrupting. How can I love someone like this? so unconditionally, so naturally, so overwhelmingly that I sometimes wonder where did all these love come from?

co-sleeping with babies is something that I am against of right from the beginning. quality of slp is definitely compromised with a baby in the middle. not only that u have to be constantly alert not to hurt the baby unknowingly in your slp, u may be constantly hurt by the unknowing baby. I am almost constantly kicked and pushed by wl while she sleeps like a baby.....

but due to the haze, we started to co-sleep out of convenience. and she LOVES to slp with us. one day she was throwing tantrums before her bedtime, I got very angry and warned her if she continues her nonsense she has to slp alone in her room. then miraculously she stopped crying and climbed back up onto the bed and whined while hugging me. shortly after the haze period I got pregnant and was tired and sleepy all the time. had zero energy to train her to slp on her own again.

I know it's not good to continue to co-sleep with her, esp with my tummy getting bigger each day... she might kick my tummy or jump on me anytime... maybe will start to train her next wk, if I have more energy! Second trimester is here!!!! yeah!!! 

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