
Thursday, November 30, 2017

Update: i went to Sydney alone!

I left baby at home, again.

First, i left him at home and went for a girlfriend trip to Seoul when he's 3mth old. Now i left him at home and go for a "solo" trip to Sydney, when he's 9mth old.

I struggled a lot to decide if i shud bring him along for this trip, because i missed him so miserably during the last trip to Seoul. But the thought to cope alone for an 8 hr flight is so daunting. And to be alone with him ALL the time... i nv considered myself a gd full time mum... i kinda need ALOT of "me time". 😐

As the trip drew closer, our whole family fell sick.. esp the baby.. i had to take care of him whole night, as he could not sleep well with fever coming back and forth and could not breathe well with stuffy nose.. his sisters fell sick one after another too.. i really felt i need a break! A break from all the mummy duties.. so i decided, i am to go alone, alone to drink and eat and do all the things i could do without kids!

So here is some of the things i did/eat/drink:

Yummilicious burger with beer at a bar

Beer again at Bondi Beach

Sight seeing at the harbour

Brunch with Australian coffee

Seafood at Fish Market

Some really good quality Australian steak

A lot of shopping! Who knows Sydney is such a gd place to shop!?

And of course, some quality time( finally) with the mister 

Did i regret going without baby this time?... erm.. not really.. haha.. although i still missed the little ones dearly, and being alone is lonely and boring sometimes.. blocked ducts from not being able to pump as frequent as i should be is also quite painful too.. but i really did enjoy shopping with just a purse, the freedom to roam around with no weights is really liberating! And also to be able to in places i could not have went if i had a baby in tow.. the long walks, the bars and steakhouse..

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