
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

shit in potty

I know it's a bit disgusting, but I am too proud a parent not to share....

Bought this potty last week at taka baby fair, though it wasnt successful on the first day of trying, fortunately or unfortunately, she shits at least three times a day, so i have many chance to try again. I was successful to collect WL's shit the very next day!

however it didn't turn out to be what I expected. It's more mess and cleaning up. Shitting in diaper is just remove dirty diaper, wipe backside clean, wear new diapers. Shitting in potty means preparing potty.and a basin of warm water  before she wants to shit, shit in potty, clean the bottom in basin of warm water, wipe bottom clean, wear new diapers, clean the basin and potty, PLUS wash clothes, linen, floor or anything else that get soiled in the process.. 

Nevertheless I still must persevere for her good in the future.

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